Glow Blogs Archive
P5 Tuesday 25th May
Good Morning everybody. Let's get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything else you like. Smart start -Newsround Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension - If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on ... Continue reading P5 Tuesday 25th May
Deans Den - Tuesday 26th May
Good morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the beautiful weather. It is lovely to see the sun, but we must remember to be safe whilst playing outdoors. I have attached a powerpoint telling the different ways to stay safe in the sun. Ask a grown up to read it to ... Continue reading Deans Den - Tuesday 26th May
P5/6 Tuesday 26th May
When using Teams please try not to click on "Start a new conversation" each time. Please click on "Reply", as it makes things in there much easier to find. Thanks Highest priority today is still "Learning in P56". I have up-dated and up-loaded "Our Learning in P56". Please think of the three health activities, including ... Continue reading P5/6 Tuesday 26th May
Primary 2 - Tuesday 26th May 2020
Good morning Primary 2! I hope you are all ready for an awesome day of learning! Here are some activities to go along with your learning packs. Spelling Please follow the link for your group which will take you to spelling games for your words this week. Green group - Purple group - ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Tuesday 26th May 2020
Terrific Tuesday Primary 1/2 26.5.20
Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone managed to get outside and enjoy some glorious sunshine yesterday, hopefully that is the return of the sun for the time being! Let's move on with some home learning for Tuesday, remember to keep working through the tasks in your home learning packs too. Reading Yesterday we introduced the ... Continue reading Terrific Tuesday Primary 1/2 26.5.20
Primary 3 - Tuesday 26th May
Good morning everyone! Let's wake ourselves up with this - I think you'll love it!!: Numeracy We are going to look at Doubling Numbers today - this links nicely with your two times table that you have already been practising. Have a look at these videos, this first one is quite straight forward: The ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Tuesday 26th May
Primary One - Tuesday 26th May 2020
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you are all well and enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather we had yesterday. I am enjoying my early morning dog walks, there is so much to see and hear. The birds are really enjoying the quiet skies and are singing all the time. I even met a fox this morning ... Continue reading Primary One - Tuesday 26th May 2020
Happiness is ..... (P3, P3/4 and P4 writing )
As always, please complete these tasks when your class teacher asks you to! Following on from last week when you had the chance to make your lockdown movie for the Sky Academy competition, we are again going to look at interviews. Firstly, look at my blog post from yesterday all about "Positivity..." Positivity! (Health and ... Continue reading Happiness is ..... (P3, P3/4 and P4 writing )
P4 Fractions - 26th May
Here are the links to today's fractions work: Circles - Fractions 26th May Squares - Fractions 26th May Triangles - Fractions 26th May I will be available on Teams to support you and answer any questions you may have.
P6/7 May 26, 2020
Start the day with exercise dance-monkey-comprehension LI_budgeting Parenthesis activity sheet parenthesis powerpoint