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Deans Den- Thursday 18th June

Good morning and I hope you are all safe and well. I hope you are working through the learning activities prepared by Mrs Fleming, Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Morrison. Are you remembering to use pencil control and no scribbles??!! I have attached some directed drawing instructions of your favourite characters from Frozen. Take your time, ... Continue reading Deans Den- Thursday 18th June

P3- Friday 19th June

Happy Friday and I hope you all have had a great week!! Did you join in the virtual sports day? Remember you can still send in photographs to Mrs Moyes and every photo received will earn 5 points for your class. The class with the most points will win a prize!!! I have attached the ... Continue reading P3- Friday 19th June

Primary 2 - Friday 19th June 2020

Good morning Primary 2! Here are some activities to finish off your week. Remember, keep working on designing your theme park and organising your fashion show. I cant wait to see them! Design a Theme Park Organise a Fashion Show End of the year questions Here are 2 more questions ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Friday 19th June 2020

Friday 19.6.20

Good Morning P.1/2 I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another morning of learning! Here is some more classical music to start our day. If you go to 1 hour 36 minutes there is music from the composer Mozart that I think you would like. Art Work I thought you ... Continue reading Friday 19.6.20

P5 Friday 19th June

Good Morning!Let's get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : or try some Street Dance Moves on this site: Smart Start - 1.Get up and get moving watch -it will give you great ideas for joining a sentence! 2.Health-resilience alphabet P is for problem solving Then continue with your personal project- don't forget you ... Continue reading P5 Friday 19th June

Primary One - Friday 19th June 2020

Good Morning Primary One ! I hope you are all well and enjoyed yesterday's sunshine. A few tasks for you to complete today. Activity 1 - Writing L.I. to write instructions S.C. I can list the steps you need to take to put sun cream on We have discussed in class why it is ... Continue reading Primary One - Friday 19th June 2020

P6/7 June 19, 2020

Good morning P6's! Today we are going to do some fun activities to keep your minds busy and active. Task 1- Please open the file which is named foreshortening perspective. Follow the instructions carefully. Task 2- There are 3 files which are named Fun Challenges. Choose at least 5 activities from the grid. Take ... Continue reading P6/7 June 19, 2020

P4 Art - 19th June

P4 Big Art Challenge for today, see instructions on Teams - enjoy! Big Art Challenge

P5 Monday June 22nd

Good morning - Let' get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or or why not try a warm-up with a professional football player- Smart Start-Maths Online Games-Logic Puzzles Now try the puzzles: 1. Ludicross 2. Plane Numbers 3. Squorder If you have time or any problems with these games go on ... Continue reading P5 Monday June 22nd

Primary 7 22/06.20

Information for 22.06.20 8_12_Topic_4_What_are_the_links_between_jobs_and_money_Presentation_UK 8_12_topic_4_jobs_and_money_activity_sheet_uk cfe-s-1432-scotlands-wild-june-powerpoint_ver_6 (1) ca-sc-42-animal-research-writing-template_ver_1 cfe2-t-2545448-scottish-wildlife-word-unscramble

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