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Tay Class Wear Masks

We had fun wearing face masks in school. Tay Class pupils love dinosaurs, so where better to start? We cut around the templates and some of us managed to cut out holes for eyes. We stomped around the classrrom after we put them on. We even had a dinosaur who could count to 30! Can ... Continue reading Tay Class Wear Masks

Who is in the Box?

We had great fun with an empty cardboard box while we developed our vocabulary! We used it to help us learn about the other pupils in our class. We tried to guess who was hiding in it before they jumped up; we said their names when we recognised them. Do try this at home (if ... Continue reading Who is in the Box?

P1 - Let's Make a Pattern!

This week we have been learning what a pattern is and that there is patterns everywhere. We danced to our favourite patterns song, Banana, Banana, Meatball. We then made our own patterns using, bears, cubes, beads, colouring pens, whiteboards and lots of other materials.

Primary 2 love reading!

Every day Primary 2 enjoy the opportunity to read a story in class. We choose a book from our class library, and after reading it we swap books with the person sitting beside us, This morning, Mrs Swanston was so impressed at how well we were doing with reading! Some of us even got stickers ... Continue reading Primary 2 love reading!

Primary 1 update

Primary 1 have had another super week in school. Our teachers are so proud of them! Here are some of their thoughts... Laila - I liked doing the jigsaws. I did it all. It's a choo choo one. David - I liked doing everything! Connor - I made number 6. I liked the story, Katie ... Continue reading Primary 1 update

P6 Update

P6 have been creating a descriptive setting this week linked to our class novel, The Nowhere Emporium. We explored the use of figurative language and discovered how useful our senses can be when writing. We also looked at the structure of our sentences and challenged ourselves to alter the order and extend them. "My eyes ... Continue reading P6 Update

Primary 3

Wow What a quick term this has been, I hope you all enjoy the September break! We have been busy getting back into the swing of things in Primary 3 and I have been super impressed with everyone so far! We have been learning how to logon to the laptops with our own username and ... Continue reading Primary 3

Gardening and other Learning with Rannoch Class w.e 18.9.20

Rannoch Class had a really busy week in the garden, learning new gardening skills which included transporting soil using the wheelbarrow, raking the soil, sawing some wood, screwing nails into the fence slats using a cordless screwdriver, all skills they will need and sure will use when they have all grown up! They made bird ... Continue reading Gardening and other Learning with Rannoch Class w.e 18.9.20

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week in Primary 1B we have been focusing on the fact that it is now officially Autumn, our favourite season. We have discussed all the different and exciting events which happen during Autumn such as, Halloween and Bonfire Night. These are the things we are most excited about...... Finlay - seeing all the branches ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Update From Primary One

I hope you all enjoyed the long sunny weekend. It was great to see the children coming back happy and rested. They couldn't wait to tell me what they had been up to, talking turtle time (daily check-in) took a little longer than usual. This blog will be a little shorter as we have only ... Continue reading Update From Primary One

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