Glow Blogs Archive
Prirmary 4/3's Bug Hotel
Primary 4/3 have been working hard to maintain the Bug Hotel they started work on last year. Unfortunately, we believe that some children are continually playing on it and moving or removing some of the material. Can everyone please help by looking but not touching. Primary 4/3 are hoping that when it is set up ... Continue reading Prirmary 4/3's Bug Hotel
What Have P6 Been Up To This Week?
Literacy We continued to practise our summarising skills in group reading. In addition we had an online lesson with Mrs Cochrane who helped us practise all of our recipricol reading skills. Numeracy We continued to practise our addition skills. Also as part of our learning for Angles week we drew a treasure map and used ... Continue reading What Have P6 Been Up To This Week?
P6/5 Friday 12th November
Following the recent feedback I am going to try to increase the presence of P6/5 on the blog. This week in maths we have done long division. During this lesson SD, AD, SU, DW and MM were leading the learning. Also KH and SJR did some awesome work on their chimney sums. We have also ... Continue reading P6/5 Friday 12th November
P4 Class 08.11.2021
Another productive week was had by all. The P4s have been working hard to use their subtraction skills in solving word problems. They create a persuasive text about the use of fireworks, they learnt to use speech marks in a sentence and they created questions about their books. For IDL, they designed and created their ... Continue reading P4 Class 08.11.2021
P2 Update!
Primary 2! Hooray! Primary 2 are finally up and running with the blog after some technical issues! We have had such a busy week. In number this week, we have been focusing on place value. Some of us have been looking at tens and ones and others have been working on hundreds, tens, and ones. ... Continue reading P2 Update!
This Week in P3
Literacy In reading this week, we continued to develop our summarising skills. We had to choose the important information when we are summarising. In writing this week, we had to persuade the reader that technology helps us learn. We had to read our feedback from last week and uplevel our work. After we had written ... Continue reading This Week in P3
Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights.
This week we have been working hard on developing the Reciprocal Reading skill of Summarising. We have been using the idea of 5-5-1. This is where we write 5 sentences about the chapter or book, 5 words to describe the book and 1 word to sum up the whole book. Here are some of our ... Continue reading Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights.
Primary 5 Update
This week has been Scottish Book Week and Primary 5 have been very engaged in this. We have been involved in various activities such as 'Stop, Drop & Read' where we would get a signal to stop what we were doing and start reading! Mrs Hillan brought her book too! PUPIL THOUGHTS: Gracie - It ... Continue reading Primary 5 Update
Another Busy Week in P6!
Green Gym Once again we were outside. This time we were designing habitats for various creatures to keep warm in the winter months. Using natural materials we had to create a place for the creature to stay. Then we tested if it would be warm enough. We did this by placing some hot water which ... Continue reading Another Busy Week in P6!
Weekly Update From Primary One
This week is Scottish Book Week and the children have enjoyed taking part in a number of reading related activities. One activity that they have really enjoyed is Stop, Drop and Read, which means when a bell rings everyone stops what they are doing and picks up a book and starts reading. Some pictures below- ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One