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Today, we are going to go on a Trip to Blair Drummond Safari. This is going to be your task for the whole day. Here is the link for virtual tour: Virtual Trip Blair Drummond Safari Please do take care with your work. Do not rush. Here is the link to the different types ... Continue reading P6/7

Primary 7 25/06/20

Information for 25th June Capacity_word_Problems[1] cfe2-t-2545448-scottish-wildlife-word-unscramble This is Me

One more sleep!! Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 25.06.20

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Thursday boys and girls, today is my last day posting on the blog for you. I'm feeling so so sad that I can't see you all in person and have an amazing end of term celebration with you all in our classroom together. I am going to miss you all next ... Continue reading One more sleep!! Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 25.06.20

P4 Comprehension - 25th June

Here is the link to the Harry Potter comprehension task as explained on Teams Harry Potter Reading Comprehension

P4 Looking Back and Looking Forward - 25th June

Attached are the looking back on P4 and looking forward to P5 tasks as explained over on Teams. Enjoy! Tips for the New P4s Things Im Looking Forward to in P5

P4 Wordle - 25th June

Examples of wordles to support task given on Teams Wordle Examples

P4 Music - 25th June

Here is the template for you to create your summer playlist. Remember, you don't need to print this, you can copy and complete it in your jotter. My Summer Playlist

Deans Den- Friday 26th June

Happy Holidays!!! Today is the last day of term and I wish you all a safe and happy summer holiday. I look forward to seeing all when you return in August as big P2 children. Take care and see you soon love, Mrs Morrison.

P3- Friday 26th June

Happy Holidays P3!!! Good morning all!! It's the last day of term and your last day of P3. I wish you all a safe and restful holiday and look forward to seeing you when you return in August as P4 children! Here are some activities to finish off the term: One of Mrs Morrison's favourite ... Continue reading P3- Friday 26th June

P.1/2 Friday 26.6.20

Good Morning P.1/2 I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for your last morning of learning before the holidays! I have tried to find some fun activities for you. Dance Time Let's learn a dance! Phonics Game You will need adult help to put in the following information Username: ... Continue reading P.1/2 Friday 26.6.20

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