Glow Blogs Archive
P4's Learning this week
This week Primary 4 have been busy again. We have been looking at fables with Mr Turner and for part of this we created our own little animals from clay. We will be using these to create our own fables and story scenes. We had to use our creativity and modelling skills for this. These ... Continue reading P4's Learning this week
Primary 1B Learning Highlights
This week we have been getting to grips with using Numicon to help us when learning all about number. Each Numicon represents a number from one to ten and can give us a picture of what a number can look like and can help us begin to see relationships between numbers, each piece has one ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights
Latest News From P1A
It has been another really busy week for P1A and the children would like to share some of their learning with you. We have just started our Autumn topic. We have been reading Autumn stories and painting trees for our display. Literacy - Phonics The new sound "c" was introduced on Tuesday and we have ... Continue reading Latest News From P1A
This week in Primary 2
We have been super busy in P2 this week! Writing Vrishti - "We were describing our friends" Summer - "Miss Taylor showed us a big book" P.E Ethan - "We were exercising and doing push ups and sit ups" Max - "We were doing star jumps" Louie - "We were exercising like Joe Wicks" Outdoor ... Continue reading This week in Primary 2
P 6/5 Friday 11th September
This week we have been doing chimney sums. When we were doing chimney sums we found That if you made sure that you put each number in its own square it was much easier. For outdoor learning we went to Eiliburn park with Mrs Dobbie to look for hazards. We went to the lake and ... Continue reading P 6/5 Friday 11th September
A Busy Week in P4/3!!
It has been another busy week in P4/3 as we continue to challenge ourselves in our learning. Mrs Morrison and Miss Swanson are proud of the children, well done P4/3 We made the most of the dry weather and enjoyed our first time together on the trim track. We discussed the safety rules and I ... Continue reading A Busy Week in P4/3!!
P7/6 Class
DB I learnt how to use metaphors. In Metaphors we use the words is or was for example: Simile- I am as strong as the Hulk Metaphor- I am Hulk when I'm angry. FS- I learnt how to write a descriptive text. I know that it has to have a title, introduction, characteristics and evaluation. ... Continue reading P7/6 Class
Mrs Lockhart's Days
These characters helped us improve our descriptive writing this week. Each group had their own character which they named and described. We had names like Eleven, Speckles, Bob and Scales. There were some great descriptions and we are looking forward to sharing the finished versions.
P5 Keep up the Good Work!
P5 have had another busy week. Numeracy We have continued to practise our understanding of place value. During numeracy lessons, we played games and practised adding and subtracting powers of ten. We are improving our ability to read and write 4, 5 and 6 digit numbers. Bailey - I liked rolling the dice to make ... Continue reading P5 Keep up the Good Work!
Primary 1B Learning Highlights
It's been another busy week in Primary 1B. This week we have had a focus on the mathematical concept of 'pattern'. We have been exploring patterns in our environment and noticed that if we look carefully patterns are everywhere! In particular, we have explored some simple repeating patterns, using colours and shape. Here are some ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights