Glow Blogs Archive
"KIDDLE " is a child friendly search engine - great for use at home!
Primary One - Monday 27th April 2020
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and have been enjoying the sunshine in your garden or, whilst taking your daily exercise. You will shortly be receiving your new 2 week learning pack. There a number of activities in it and I would like you to complete as many as ... Continue reading Primary One - Monday 27th April 2020
P5 Monday 27th April 2020
Good morning! Warm up - Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or you could try the Greatest Showman dance by Otis from Strictly.: Smart Start - choose different skills to practise. Extension -Tables Practise x7x9x11 x8 x4,x8,12 Numeracy -LI To divide - SC I can recall division facts Watch this video to help you ... Continue reading P5 Monday 27th April 2020
Happy Monday Primary 1/2 27.4.20
Happy Monday Everybody! Good Morning everybody, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some of the fantastic weather that we experienced in Scotland. Today new packs are being issued and will be ready to collect from the school front office from 10 am until 3 pm. If anyone is running low on ... Continue reading Happy Monday Primary 1/2 27.4.20
Primary 2 - Monday 27th April 2020
Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! You should now be moving on to your week 4 pack of learning which you can collect from school from 10am - 3pm today. If there are any issues with this, please let us know at Reading When you open ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Monday 27th April 2020
Primary 7 27/04/20
Morning everyone. Hope you are all well and managed to get out over the weekend either into your garden or for a safe walk. We will start with Joe Wicks this morning. Today for maths we are going to be learning to work out distance travelled. In the folder, Before Break, there is a ... Continue reading Primary 7 27/04/20
Primary 3 - Monday 27th April
Good morning everyone! Welcome to another week of activities. You can now pick up your new learning packs from the school office - I have put your name on each of your packs. Let's start the week with some Joe Wicks: Literacy - Look at a family in a traditional story (like ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Monday 27th April
27.04.2020 P6/7
Good morning P6/7! I hope you had a great weekend. Please start the day with Joe Wicks or Go noodle comprehension- author's craft Morning break Finding fraction from an amount Social Media- Lesson Presentation Social Media and Me Challenge Cards Lunch IDL_ invasion
P4- Monday 27th April
Maths MeasuringLength_cm_ mmeasuring_drawing_cms- MILD measure- HOT PE t-t-27304-fitness-diary_ver_1 Grammar match_past_present_verbs verbs_past_present_future Technology cfe2-d-46-changes-in-technology-powerpoint Science Food_webs_Activity_sheet (1) Practical food webs
Rainbows - family learning fun!
At this challenging time, the world has adopted the rainbow as the symbol of hope. Using the theme of the rainbow, these learning activities suit a variety of ages. Older children could support learning for their younger siblings, and many of the activities can be used as family learning opportunities. Let's start by looking at ... Continue reading Rainbows - family learning fun!