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Primary 2 - Monday 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I really cannot believe it, but this is our final week in Primary 2! This week, I will be posting some super fun activities for you to work through to finish off our year. End of the year questions Here are 2 new ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Monday 22nd June 2020

Primary One - Monday 21st June 2020

Good Morning Everyone and welcome to your last week in Primary 1. It has been a very quick and eventful year and definitely not one that we planned however, you have still managed to achieve lots of successes and should be very proud of yourselves! Some task for you to complete today. Activity 1 - ... Continue reading Primary One - Monday 21st June 2020

P6/7 June 22, 2020

Good morning class! We are on our last week and I am excited to share with you all the fun learning we will be doing for the rest of the week. Let's start the day with some exercise as usual. Then at 9.30, we will start our second task which is below. Please read the ... Continue reading P6/7 June 22, 2020

Last Week of Term!! Happy Monday P1/2 22.06.20

Happy Monday Everyone! God morning boys and girls, I can't believe we have made it to the last week of term! Don't worry if you haven't made it all the way through your packs, you can keep them to complete any time in the future. So for this week let's continue with our class trip ... Continue reading Last Week of Term!! Happy Monday P1/2 22.06.20

Primary 3 - Monday 22nd June

Good morning everyone! Hope you are well and had an enjoyable weekend. This is our last week before the summer holidays start! Let's start off with some fun exercise today: Remember to keep tuning in to Joe Wicks daily too!!! Numeracy For a Number Talk today, let's think about subtracting (take away) ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Monday 22nd June

P5 Tuesday 23rd June

Good Morning everybody. Let's get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything else you like. Smart start -Newsround Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension - If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on ... Continue reading P5 Tuesday 23rd June

Deans Den- Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning all!! I hope you are all well and looking forward to the Summer holidays! Let's try some cooking today! In today's episode of Big Cook, Little Cook, Ben and Small make footballs using cress and potatoes, sounds delicious!! Try out the recipe and ask a grown up to help you.

Primary 2 - Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good morning Primary 2! Here are some activities for you to work through today. End of the year questions Here are your questions for discussion today! What was your favourite book that you read this year? Why was it your favourite? What was your best piece of writing this year? What made it your ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Tuesday! Some tasks for you to complete today. Activity 1 - ou sound and Reading L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape ou S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read ... Continue reading Tuesday 23rd June 2020

P6/7 June 23, 2020

Biogrpahy and Art response Van Gogh Morning Break T2-M-474-Mental-Maths-Challenge-Cards- Make sure you do not use pen and paper for this :). Use a calculator to check that your answers are correct. Components of blood_ STEM Challenge T-T-13177-A-Z-Of-The-School-Year-Writing-Frame Lunch In the afternoon, please choose one or two activities from the grid. We will be using this ... Continue reading P6/7 June 23, 2020

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