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Writing in a persuasive way (P6/5)

Today in P6/5 we were learning how to do persuasive writing. We looked at our blog to help us think about why we need blogs. A small group of pupils are writing this for you. We think blogs are important because it helps us know what is happening in our school and when. For example, ... Continue reading Writing in a persuasive way (P6/5)

This week in Primary 4

In Numeracy we have looked at some more subtraction problems. We have been looking at subtraction facts to 20 this week as well as subtraction problems involving odd and even numbers. Here are some examples of our good work: In writing this week we wrote a letter to Santa or a letter about ... Continue reading This week in Primary 4

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

What a busy and quick week it has been in Primary 1B. We have had our special Christmas lunch and we would like to say a huge thankyou to the dinner ladies for working so hard to ensure we had a delicious meal. This week in Literacy we have been learning two new words, 'go' ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Update from P1A

I hope you are all well and managing to get organised for Christmas. In school, the excitement is building. It began with the children's Christmas lunch (in their bubbles of course) Next the children wrote a letter to Santa. They decided they were all definitely on the nice list and have been good all year! ... Continue reading Update from P1A

P5 Act Up!

Drama This week we listened to the story of the birth of Jesus Christ and then in small groups acted out the story. We used props to represent the baby Jesus ... Continue reading P5 Act Up!

Lights, Camera, Action in P4/3!!

This week, P4/3 learned about stop frame animation during their time with Mrs Buntin. All of the children made contributions to re-telling the Christmas story using the technique of stop frame. A big well done to Ashley and Nathaniel who were able to describe and demonstrate the process to Mrs Morrison!! Look out next week ... Continue reading Lights, Camera, Action in P4/3!!

Smiles and Christmas Jumpers

On Thursday, as we had been learning all about the properties of 3D shapes, we decided to practise drawing them. We used a step by step approach and we became experts! On Friday we were encouraged to wear our Christmas jumpers and that made for a jolly, festive classroom.

Update from P2

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week! Christmas Story Mr Welsh read us one of our favourite stories yesterday! We showed super listening skills and were paying close attention to see if we could hear our boost words! Writing During writing this week we wrote letters to Santa persuading ... Continue reading Update from P2


CW- We've been learning how to do a Discussion text. LS- We've been learning about abbreviated words, which are words that have been shortened. EH- We have been revising on Subtraction. For PE, we played rounders. (KP) DB- We also learnt to read Advertisements. CC- We've been learning Time intervals. Lastly, we have been practicing ... Continue reading P7/6

This Week in P3/2

Literacy During writing this week, we were focusing on varying our sentence length when writing a Viking dairy entry. We had to include connecting words, adjectives and facts we have learned about the Vikings. During reading, we were sounding out unfamiliar words and then answering reading comprehension questions about our text. "We were answering questions ... Continue reading This Week in P3/2

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