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Tuesday 2nd February - P7

9am - 9:30am Busy start - science focus: Watch 5 Sisters Zoo video and complete activities (choose one or more) Teeth Diet and Food Chains Activities 9:30am - 10:30am Numeracy Time - adding and subtracting time activities Tues 2nd Feb - Adding and Subtracting Time - Circles Tues 2nd Feb - Adding and Subtracting ... Continue reading Tuesday 2nd February - P7

Primary 4 French and RME

Plan for Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th RME 1. The Creation 2. Places-of-Worship-Christian-Churches 3. Christianity-and-the-Bible-pp 4. places-of-worship-church-activity-sheet 5. Christian-Symbols-pp Masters of Infinity 1. Alupro_MastersOfInfinity_PowerPoint - 3. Alupro_MastersOfInfinity_InfinityCards 4. Alupro_MastersOfInfinity_Quests 5. Alupro_MastersOfInfinity_CompetitionEntryLeaflet 6. Alupro_MastersOfInfinity_TakeHomePledge French first-conversations-in-french French-Greetings-PowerPoint Greetings in French comicstrip French-Greetings-Flashcards Videos for French Revision

How to Upload Your Work onto Teams

For the classes who are using Teams for their online learning, it is important to upload your work into your own folder. Your teacher will be able to see your progress and give you feedback. If you are unsure how to upload your work onto Teams, here is a simple 'how to' guide. Uploading ... Continue reading How to Upload Your Work onto Teams

Wednesday 3rd February 2021 - P7

9am - 9:30am Activity of choice from: Reading for enjoyment Mindfulness Physical wellbeing task (see link on Teams) Newsround (take notes) 9:30am - 10:30am Writing *Live* Recap of procedural writing, sharing examples and creating new texts Core Writing Targets Procedure Genre Targets Procedure Writing Planning Sheet BREAK 11am - 11:30am Spelling Dictation ... Continue reading Wednesday 3rd February 2021 - P7

Primary 4 - Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Good morning everyone! Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day yesterday and had a restful evening. Here is our plan of the day: Daily Plan - Wed 3rd Feb 2021. Let's start the day with Joe Wicks - follow this link - or type in 'PE with Joe' and find the lesson for ... Continue reading Primary 4 - Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Primary 6/5 RME and French

Plan for Wednesday 3.02.21 Uploading Work to Teams for Pupils RME 1. The Creation 2. Places-of-Worship-Christian-Churches 3. Christianity-and-the-Bible-pp 4. places-of-worship-church-activity-sheet 5. Christian-Symbols-pp French Greetings first-conversations-in-french French-Greetings-PowerPoint Greetings in French comicstrip French-Greetings-Flashcards Videos for French Revision

February 3,2021 P6/7

Interpreting graphs the-battle-of-dunkirk-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity-english_ver_6 Writing Instructions template

Thursday 4th February 2021 - P7

9:00am - 9:30am Busy Start Countdown numbers game online - Or Daily Rigour challenge from yesterday if not completed The Daily Rigour 233 9:30am - 10:20am Numeracy Time - adding and subtracting time activities Thurs 4th Feb - Adding and Subtracting Time - Circles Thurs 4th Feb - Adding Time - Triangles Thurs ... Continue reading Thursday 4th February 2021 - P7

Overview THURSDAY 4.2.21

Hello everyone, Mrs Lockhart here again. Hope you are all well. Today you can find your work for Mrs Dobbie in her folder in class materials. I will meet with you in a check in at 11.00 and again after lunch at 1.30 for a live dictation lesson. All your work for the day from ... Continue reading Overview THURSDAY 4.2.21

Primary 4 RME and French

Plan for Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th RME 1. The Creation 2. Places-of-Worship-Christian-Churches 3. Christianity-and-the-Bible-pp 4. places-of-worship-church-activity-sheet 5. Christian-Symbols-pp

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