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This Week In P3

Literacy During reading this week, we had to read a passage and highlight the adjectives describing the character. After we had identified the describing words, we had to use this information to draw a picture of the character. We continued to practice our spelling words. We practice our spelling words daily using wooden ... Continue reading This Week In P3

Weekly Update From P1

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and the beautiful warm weather we had. This weeks blog is a little shorter than normal as we have only been in school for the last 2 days. Literacy -Writing This week the children have been writing about their morning rountine. They were encouraged to include the ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1

A Short Week in P6!

Health - Headstrong We have been learning about how to approach things we find tricky in a positive way. Hope - I enjoyed headstrong. Katie - Mark is funny. Literacy We continued to read our class novel and predicted how the different characters would respond to events in the story. Numeracy We discussed negative numbers ... Continue reading A Short Week in P6!

P.5 Visitors

We had two special visitors in P.5 this week. Mark came from Headstrong which is an organisation which specialise in changing the way we think to a positive mindset. Mark certainly makes us think about ourselves and we laugh (a lot!). We also had Megan, a musical theatre practitioner. She was working with us on ... Continue reading P.5 Visitors

This Week in P3

Literacy In writing this week, we continued to develop our recount writing skills. We created a small shop and as a class, we discussed the steps we carry out when in the shops. This helps us visualise our shopping routine when writing the recount piece. We were trying to 'Bump Up' our writing by adding ... Continue reading This Week in P3

Update from Primary 5

We have had another busy week in Primary 5, with lots of new tasks and challenges. In Numeracy we have been looking at Decimals and how these relate to Fractions. We also looked at how we record these on a number line. We then went on to look at Percentages and also made links to ... Continue reading Update from Primary 5

Primary 4/3 Highlights

This week has been incredibly busy and jam packed with lots of interesting and challenging learning taking place in our classroom and beyond. In maths, we have been focusing on identifying a fraction of a whole number. We have been using concrete materials to do this as well as using our knowledge of multiplication and ... Continue reading Primary 4/3 Highlights

Weekly Update From Primary One

Some highlights from our busy week. On Tuesday afternoon, the buddies came to help with their reading and to read them a story from our school library. The Primary ones love when their buddies come and really enjoyed showing them their reading books and exploring the library. Literacy Our sound this week is "p" the ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One

P4 Week beginning 27.09.21

This week we consolidate on our mental addition strategies. Ask me how to do compensation, partitioning and skip counting. We have also been learning to use chimney sums as a written method of adding. For Literacy, we worked on creating an effective orientation for our recount. We revised on our punctuations using dictation. For reading, ... Continue reading P4 Week beginning 27.09.21

What have P6 been up to this week?

Maths We have started a new topic - TIME. Bailey - I enjoyed the funny time song and can use quarter past. Bella - I feel I now know how to tell the time. Alexis - I am better at telling the time. Some of us practised converting 12 hour times to 24 hour times. ... Continue reading What have P6 been up to this week?

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