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Glow Blogs Archive

This Week in Primary 5

Primary 5 have had a great week on the lead up to the October break! In Literacy we have continued reading our group readers, enjoying discussions on these and talking about any words we are unsure of that we could clarify. We also continued working on our Clarifying grids from last week. We picked out ... Continue reading This Week in Primary 5

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

This week in Primary 4/3 we have been working hard on finishing off our topic of gymnastics in gym. We have been working on linking a series of movements together, including a balance, a pose and a jump into a roll. We have thoroughly enjoyed this topic in gym and are looking forward to learning ... Continue reading Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

Weekly Update From Primary One

Some of this weeks fantastic highlights! Health and Wellbeing - PE This term in PE we have been learning to travel safely in different ways and directions. We have also been developing balance and ball skills. Some pictures below of the children practicing- French Children have been introduced to basic conversational French. ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One

P.5 Busy Rehearsing

Every Friday P.5 is working with Megan on our song for the performance at Howden Park. We are working really hard and progress is excellent!

What have P6 been up to this week?

Green Gym We are trying to improve our school grounds. Anton - We made a pond. Literacy Bailey - We watched the Spiderwick Chronicles Movie and Bella was scared. This was part of our listening and talking learning. Hope - We compared the book to the movie. Alexis - The movie has more detail. Bella ... Continue reading What have P6 been up to this week?

08.10.21 P4 Class

This week we have been busy writing a Recount about our PE Lesson. We practiced our clarifying skills and began our questioning task for reciprocal reading. For Health and Well- being, we investigated what assumptions mean and the consequences it might have. We practiced tap ups and serve skills in Tennis. For IDL, we made ... Continue reading 08.10.21 P4 Class

This Week in P3

Literacy In reading this week, we continued to focus on our clarifying skills. We use our clarifying skills to help us find the meaning of words we don't know yet. We read around the word to help us clarify the meaning. We can also think of words that sound similar. In writing this ... Continue reading This Week in P3

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights.

After having a well deserved rest we have returned to school this week raring to go! Firstly, Mrs Dobbie and the rest of the staff at Deans would like to congratulate Brendan who won the sunflower competition back in September. Well done Brendan for growing such a super sunflower!! This week we have been learning ... Continue reading Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights.

Weekly Update From Primary One

I hope you all had a lovely holiday and managed to enjoy some family time together. This week our blog is a little shorter as the children were off on Monday. Some highlights they wanted to share with you. Autumn This week we started our new Autumn topic. We created a tuff tray with lots ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One

P4 Class 18.10.21

This week we enjoyed a variety of fun learning experiences. For Literacy, we practiced reading and writing our spelling words, we learnt how to use commas when writing a list and for reading, we used our clarifying strategies to define the word- Hibernation. For Numeracy, we learnt to add 2 digit and 3 digit numbers ... Continue reading P4 Class 18.10.21

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