Glow Blogs Archive
What have P6 been up to this week?
Literacy We learnt about how important adverbs are when writing. As part of our narrative science-fiction writing unit we imagined a planet and practised describing in detail. Reading - We consolidated our prediction skills in group reading. Maths We learnt about how to create repeating patterns using shape and made some for our partners to ... Continue reading What have P6 been up to this week?
P4 Class 28.01.2022
What a great week we had! We have been revising on all our past numeracy and maths work. It has been great to see that we remember most of the concepts we have learnt. We have been learning to highlight key words and information while we read a text. This helped us skim and scan ... Continue reading P4 Class 28.01.2022
This Week in P3
LiteracyIn reading this week, we have been developing our reciprocal reading skills. We also had to create questions about the text to ask a friend. We then had to identify the key details of the story in order to summarise the text.In writing this week, we continued to develop our narrative writing skills. We were ... Continue reading This Week in P3
Primary 2
Scotland We have been looking at the famous artist Steven Brown this week and made our own McCoos. We also looked into the history of tartan and made some of our own tartan. Writing For our narrative topic, the children had Mrs Stewart's job for the day and they had to decide what they would ... Continue reading Primary 2
An Update from P5
This week in P5 we have continued with our digital learning. We learned more in coding so that we were able to make several items move on a screen at one time. We were very engaged in this and excited to see how many items we could get moving at once. Chloe - I liked ... Continue reading An Update from P5
Weekly Update From Primary One
Hello and welcome to this weeks post. Some super learning to share with you! This week in preparation for our narrative writing we enjoyed listening to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The children began by tracking Little Red's jounery through the forest and drew maps to detail her route. Some examples below- ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One
Maths P.5 - Area work
We started a new maths topic - area. First we used cubes to create specific areas then we worked out the area of a variety of 2D shapes using the formula length times breadth. Good work P.5!
Primary 2 Update - 31/01/22
Digital Day Yesterday, we had a very fun day doing lots of different digital learning. We practiced our keyboard skills, we worked on coding a character and we even made robots move! We also made a short movie, in our groups, by taking lots of pictures, step by step and then adding them altogether to ... Continue reading Primary 2 Update - 31/01/22
P6/5 Week starting Monday 31st January
Monday: Extended writing on writers craft, continuing the narrative theme. The class watched the first part of a short animation called "Trapdoor", and then finished writing the story themselves. The focus was on adjectives, similes and metaphors. KH was proud of their written work. Maths was spent continuing work on percentages. SS, LM, LH and ... Continue reading P6/5 Week starting Monday 31st January
What Have P6 Been Up To This Week?
PE Kyle - I enjoyed playing hockey matches! Brain breaks Bella -I enjoyed the body percussion. Outdoor Learning Debbie-I enjoyed building the willow dome and playing hide and seek. (I was the last one to be found.) Emily - Next week I am looking forward to th fire-pit and toasting marshmallows! Emily was very good ... Continue reading What Have P6 Been Up To This Week?