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This week in P5

For spelling this week we wrote our words three times to help to get them in our heads. We also picked our own choice of technique to help us practise our words, such as backward writing, pyramid writing etc. In Reading this week we created questions for someone to answer on our group texts. Here ... Continue reading This week in P5

P7 business "3,4 smile some more"

Following the success of last years P7 business "1,2 Corona crew" this years P7 class have decided to promote positivity as we all recover from the effects of the pandemic. We have already started to sell happy packs for children containing a mochi, smiley badge, positive sticker, and happy face pencil and notebook- for ... Continue reading P7 business "3,4 smile some more"

Weekly Update From Primary One

We have had another really busy week in Primary One. The children have choosen some of their learning that they would like to share with you. Maths - Measure We have begun looking at measure. In Primary one we measure using non-standard units. The children have been practising measuring areas in the classroom as well ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One

What have P6 been up to this week?

Numeracy This week was 'Expressions and Equations' focus week. Emily - I had bever done algebra before but I thought I had done well. Anton - Algebra is when a letter is put in instead of a number. Literacy We continued to practise our comprehension skills in group reading and also our spellings. On Friday ... Continue reading What have P6 been up to this week?

P6/5 Week ending Friday 25th February

Monday: Maths was a continuation of work on halving, quartering and percentages. In language new spelling words went out. The class also wrote their narrative pieces they planned last week. AS and NB excelled. In PE we extended our learning on hockey, focusing on dribbling and keeping the ball close to the stick. AS, SU, ... Continue reading P6/5 Week ending Friday 25th February


IDL We have been learning about the function of our organs and where about in the body they are. We have started stations for this. Some children have made lungs whilst others have been learning about digestion through an experiment. Yoga We read a story and then had to do different animal poses from the ... Continue reading 21/02/22

P4 Class 25.06.2022

We've had an amazing week! We have been learning to read time and time intervals. We have started learning division with remainders as well. For reading, we worked on finding the main idea and summarising the text. We also worked on highlight important information and note taking. For HWB, we explored different friendship groups and ... Continue reading P4 Class 25.06.2022


PE We made the most of the beautiful weather this week and went outside for PE. The children worked on their balancing, climbing and strength. Outdoor Learning The children had Outdoor Learning with Mrs Dobbie on Thursday afternoon. Mrs Dobbie set the children a challenge of getting from one side of the playground to the ... Continue reading 21/02/2022

P4 Class 25.03.2022

We have had a great time this week researching facts about Scottish wildlife. We learnt to categorise them into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We used graphs to represent our surveys on favorite pets. We estimated and measure the height of trees outside and we made function machines. We also enjoyed making poems about gratitude. We ... Continue reading P4 Class 25.03.2022

This Week in P3

Literacy In writing this week, we continued to develop our skills when writing a descriptive piece. We looked at a few examples and assessed each piece of writing. Then we read our feedback from last week and used this to up-level our writing. This week, we were describing a female rugby player. We used ... Continue reading This Week in P3

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