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21.4.20 Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody.

I hope everyone had a great first day back with home learning yesterday and managed to complete some of the assigned tasks. Here are some additional tasks for today should you wish to complete them.


If possible log onto Oxford Owls Ebooks

Our class log in

Username – deans12

Password – mrsstevenson

The book I would like us to focus on this week is ‘The Big Carrot’

Read the book with an adult and have a go at activities 1 and 2 focusing on labelling the pictures and sequencing the story into the correct picture order.

Does this story seem familiar? Can you think of another story which is very similar to this one? I can… I will reveal it tomorrow, let’s see if you can guess correctly.


I would like us to spend this week revising some of the sounds we have already covered in class and then next week I will introduce one new sound a week for us to focus on.

Today let’s look at ‘ck’

Watch this short clip and learn along with Geraldine the Giraffe!

Hopefully Geraldine will have helped you to remember some of the things we learned in class about this sound.

‘ck’ is a short, quiet sound which comes from the back of our throats (so it is a yellow sound – we need the flashlight to shine into the back of our throats to see where the sound comes from)

k and c also make the same sound as ‘ck’. The tricky part is knowing which one to use. Here is a short clip from Nessy spelling to help remind you..

Now it’s time to put our learning into action.

Can you go on a ‘ck’ hunt around your house. What objects can you find which have a ck in them? Once you have found all of your objects have a go a spelling the word and drawing a picture to go with it. You can use your purple jotters to do this task.

If you can’t find any objects have a go at blending together these sounds to make some ‘ck’ words. Have an adult read the sounds out to you, you can write them down and read them back to your adult.

l – o – ck                       d – u – ck                 n – e – ck                p – a – ck

s – o – ck                       r – o – ck                  l – i – ck                 l – u – ck

Finally for our last phonics task ask an adult to read out this silly sentence.

The lock on the clock was stuck.

Listen very carefully and write it into your jotter. You can get your adult to repeat it as many times as needed or even chunk it into little sections. Don’t forget all those things that a good writer does –

  • Capital letters
  • Full stops
  • Finger spaces
  • Letters on the line
  • listen to the sounds in each word to help you spell

How about having a go at writing your own silly sentence, how many ‘ck’ words can you squeeze in?

Log into Education city – I have added a new game called ‘Pack a Rucksack’ into the Home Learning section of our class to help us learn about the ck sound.

Numeracy and Maths

Last term we had a focus on doubles, ie 2 + 2 = 4     3 + 3 =6 etc. This week I would like us to have a go at using near doubles to have solve addition calculations.

So for our daily 5 today let’s try

2 + 3 =   ( we know that 2+2 =4 so 2+3 is just one more..easy)

4 + 5 =               5 + 6 =               3 + 4 =       1 + 2 =

Can you solve the calculation in your head without using any tools?

Today I would like us to focus on improving our counting skills. Have an adult give you a starting number. You can start to count from that number until the adult says stop! Additionally can you write out the numbers that you counted, don’t forget to make sure the number face the correct way! You can make it as easy or as challenging as you feel confident with. Once you feel confident counting forwards, try the same thing backwards!


Science/Art and Design

Yesterday I sent you all off on a Spring Walk to look for signs of Spring and to talk about what you notice in the natural environment. One of the things I have been noticing lately is the amount of different insects that have inhabited my garden. One insect in particular is the bumble bee! This has led myself and Noah to find out a little bit about bees and all of their very important jobs.

What can you find out about bees? Ask an adult to help you find out some facts about bees and design your own bee fact file.  You could include the answers to questions such as

Where do bees live?

What jobs do different bees do?

What do bees eat?

What are the different types of bees?

You could even practise drawing a bee. Here is a step by step guide to help you. Then colour in your bee (using real life colours if you have them).

If you are feeling really ambitious and confident you could choose from one of the activities below and have a go at some bee crafting.

Good luck with all of the activities for today.

As  promised here is our non-blue chick, we actually managed to scrape together some yellow paint. Noah was very surprised to be painting with a fork and not a brush! He insisted it was a duck and not a chick though.. What do you think?


I’d love to see any pictures you have made, send them to the school email address if you can.

Good luck with all of your activities for today. Remember to get outside and enjoy some of the sunshine.

Mrs Stevenson

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