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Primary One- Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Morning everyone! Happy World Earth Day!

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Earth day takes place on the 22nd of April every year. It is a day to remind people  how to look after the earth. It also helps people to learn more about the environment. As part of our participation Fridays we have been looking at the important issue of recycling. Can the children remember the 3 “R”? Can they retell the story of the Messy Magpie? (Its a really good story and you can find it on twinkl) and the important message she realizes by the end? There will be a lot of media coverage it maybe a good idea to listen to Newsround at 11 o’clock. Below are a few Earth Day Activities for you to try.

Activity 1 – Art and Craft

Using recycled materials draw a large circle (perhaps use a cereal box), cut it out and using blue and green paint/colouring pencils try to colour the sea blue and countries in our world green (there are a number of images of the world on line that can support this ). Then draw and cut out some love hearts and on each one make a promise of things that you could do to save our planet. Attach the hearts to the world with string/wool and hang the mobile in your house to remind you of your promises to help save our planet.

Easy Earth Day Activities | Fun365

Activity 2 –  Minecraft Competition

Below is a link to a Minecraft challenge. The challenge involves building your own sculpture for Jupiter Artland. The winning design will join the permanent collection at Jupiter’s online universe plus other goodies.

Activity 3 – Phonics

I would like to move onto a new sounds from Inky’s Vowel House. The new sound is ai. The ai sound lives in the second window under ee. The old man who lives in this part of the house finds it difficult to hear and often says “ai”.

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make one sound

S.C. I can blend this sound with others to read words

S.C. I can spell words with this sound

Can you practice sounding out and blending these words?

ai-m,  r-ai-n, t-ai-l, m-ai-l, s-ai-l, p-ai-d, p-ai-n, p-ai-n-t, n-ai-l, w-ai-t, Can you think of anymore? As an extension, can you create an interesting sentence?

Activity 4 – Numeracy- 5/10 a daily

L.I. to count on and back

S.C. I can add to numbers together to find a total using different strategies

S.C. I can take away one number from another to find a total

It is great that you are continuing to practice you daily 5. So I thought I would extend the challenge a little and increase the number of questions.

5 + 3 =                                                                     7 + 3 =

6 + 2 =                                                                     9 + 2 =

4 – 3 =                                                                      8 – 2 =

6 – 3 =                                                                      9 – 3 =

9 – 5 =                                                                     10 – 3 =

Remember to use concrete materials and write your answers in your jotter.

Have a great day, stay safe. More posts on the blog tomorrow.

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