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22.4.20 Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody!

I hope you all managed to enjoy some lovely Scottish sunshine yesterday. Here are some of today’s additional home learning tasks.


This week, we have been reading The Big Carrot on Oxford Owls ebooks. Did you manage to find out the book which was similar to this one….. The Enormous Turnip! Today I would like you to have a go at ‘un-jumbling’ a sentence from the story.  Normally we do this task with the jumbled words cut up and we arrange them in the correct order. You could get an adult to write out the words on a piece of paper and have you stick them in the right order to make the sentence make sense. Re – read the book on the website and have a look at my jumbled up sentence below. Think about where the capital letters and full stops go and that should give you a good start.

tug carrot . and Tom the Ifra big

Remember to write the sentence out in your best handwriting and you can add a detailed picture to illustrate the sentence.

Got any carrots in your fridge? Did you know that you can use the tops of your carrots to plant and turn into a pretty carrot greens? I heard that some of our bean stalks are growing at a pretty crazy rate so I thought maybe since we were so successful with growing them that we could try something a little different.

How to grow a carrot top

Remember our bean Stalk diaries?  Why not keep a carrot stalk diary and record everyday how much your carrot grows, you could draw a picture, measure the stalk with a ruler and write down anything interesting that you notice.  I am definitely going to try this with my little boy. I wonder who can grow the tallest carrot? But first have a think about all the different things a plant needs to survive. Can you share what you already know with an adult? Here is a little song to remind you.

carrot diary

I have attached a very simple template for you to use if you have a printer, otherwise you could make up your own in your jotters.


Yesterday we revisited ‘ck’, so today let’s have a look at two different sounds from last term. Can you remember the story of ee and oo from Inky’s Vowel House? Share the story with an adult if you can remember. If not below is a little reminder for you.

2 VH story for parents

‘ee’ and ‘oo’

Here are 2 clips to help you recall the ee and oo sounds.

What objects can you find around your house which contain these sounds? Find as many as you can and draw pictures of them writing out the word below your picture in your purple jotters.

I have attached a little challenge sheet for you to have a go.

ee oo code breaker

You can either display it on your screen or if you have access to a printer print it off to complete with the support of an adult. You have to figure out the code to make to the word to help you read and complete the sentences at the bottom.

I’ve added two new games to our homework section in Educationcity for you to practise.

‘Meet the Sheep’  and ‘The Big Cook Book’. Good luck and have fun.

Numeracy and Maths

Our daily 5 for today with a focus on using near doubles to help us find the solution to the calculation.

5 + 6 =                4 + 5 =             6 + 7 =          10 + 11 =       2 + 3 =

I have attached a game below for you to play with an adult. It requires a dice and two counters. This will help you to get faster at recalling your doubles and using your knowledge of doubles to help solve near doubles calculations.

doubles and near doubles board game

I mentioned above about measuring the growth of your carrots. I know that Mrs Lockhart has been teaching you all about measuring on Friday, so here’s a little challenge for you all.  Go on  a hunt around your house, how many measuring instruments can you find and what do they measure?

Can you find something which measures…

Time, water, length… what else can you think of?

As usual here is a little song to give you some inspiration.

Good luck with all of your home learning tasks today. I hope you all have fun.

Mrs Stevenson




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