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Primary 2 - Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good Morning Children Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Good Morning Primary 2! Here are some fun activities for today.


Let’s practise what we know about telling the time. I have attached the link to the time song.

Have a go at the following questions:

  • Where should the minute hand be when it is o’clock?
  • Where should the minute hand be when it is half past?
  • Where should the minute hand be when it is quarter past?
  • Where should the minute hand be when it is quarter to?


Let’s have a go at drawing Spring animals. First, you need to choose your favourite Spring animal. Here are some suggestions:

  • Bunny
  • Lamb
  • Chick
  • Pony
  • Duck
  • Swan
  • Calf

Once you have drawn your Spring animal, can you colour it in using only primary colours? Remember the primary colours are blue, yellow and red. After using primary colours to colour your animal, can you use secondary colours to colour the background? Remember the secondary colours are green, orange and purple.

Send a picture of your animal to so we can see your fantastic work!

See the source image


Please see the following writing challenge from Mrs Anderson:

Write 2 or 3 sentences about what you have been doing since school closed.

Learning Intention – We are learning to write sentences that tell the reader information.

Success Criteria             – I can write facts about what I have been doing at home.

– I can use capital letters.

– I can use finger spaces in between words.

– I can use full stops at the end of my sentence.

– I can draw a picture to go with my sentences.

Extra Challenge – Can you write a whole story about what you have been doing? Try to include your spelling and tricky words in your story.


When you open the site, click the pink button at the top which says “My class login”. The class login details are as follows: username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey       Once logged in, click the button that says “My Bookshelf”.  This will take you to lots of ebooks. Please have a look below to find out which book to read. Once you have read the book, discuss what you have read. Can you find any words with your spelling sound?

Green group – Chicken Licken

Purple group – The Toys’ Party

Pink group – Ant and the Baby

Yellow group – Can you see me?

Blue group – Big Feet


Have fun Primary 2 and I’ll speak to you tomorrow again!

Miss Borsbey

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