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Primary 2 - Friday 1st May 2020

Happy Friday everyone! Here are some fun activities to finish off the week!

National Smile Month 

May is National Smile Month in the UK! National Smile Month is the largest and longest-running campaign to promote good oral health. The campaign highlights 3 key messages, can you follow the link to the official website and find the key messages?

Follow this link to the toothbrushing song we use in class and remember to brush your teeth in the morning and before bed!

Your task is to create a poster all about brushing your teeth and the correct way to do so. Once you have completed your poster, take a picture of yourself holding it and remember to show us your biggest smile! Email your photo to


Here are this week’s phonics videos for each group! See if you can spot your spelling words!

Green, Purple & Pink 




Have a think about the number problems I set you yesterday. Which strategy did you use to work out the answer? I found near doubles to be the most efficient strategy! Here are some more problems which will help you practise the near doubles strategy!

  • 9 + 10
  • 6 + 7
  • 2 + 3
  • 8 + 9
  • 12 + 13

Share your strategies with someone at home to see if they used the same strategy as you!


Friday is reflection day! Use the grid below again to reflect upon your learning this week!


When you open the site, click the pink button at the top which says “My class login”. The class login details are as follows: username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey       Once logged in, click the button that says “My Bookshelf”.  This will take you to lots of ebooks. Please have a look below to find out which book to read. Once you have read the book, discuss what you have read. What is your least favourite part of the story? Why?

Green group – Leek Hotpot

Purple group – By the stream

Pink group – Dad, can you do this?

Yellow group – Clothes for Rain

Blue group – Can you see me?


Have a great long weekend everyone and I will be back on Wednesday with some more fun learning activities for you to enjoy!

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