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Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 14.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Good Morning boys and girls, I hope you are all ready for Thursday’s home learning tasks. Did you enjoy the tasks for Wellbeing Wednesday?


Let’s start with a reading activity for this week’s book – ‘Leek Hotpot’ – you can access this book through oxford owls ebooks, username deans12  password mrsstevenson

Re- read the book with the help of an adult. You can choose to either, select an activity from your guided reading grid or choose the activity below…

Complete the sentences so they make sense, you can use the story book to help you. Remember to read the sentence after to check it makes sense.

  1. __________ and ___________ had a cookbook.
  2. We ________ cook a ___________ hotpot.
  3. They ________ lots of ___________.
  4. _______need a ________ pot.
  5.  Then ______ put the ________ on ______ hob.

Finally, have a go at the game ‘Machine’ on – it will help you sounding out and identifying CVC words.


Mrs Anderson has very kindly provided some writing tasks for you to complete, there are copies in your home learning pack, alternatively here is today’s task below.

Write 2 or 3 sentences about what you are most looking forward to when you come back to school.

Learning IntentionWe are learning to write sentences that tell the reader information.

Success Criteria –

  •  I can write facts about what I have been doing at home.
  • I can use capital letters.
  • I can use finger spaces in between words.
  • I can use full stops at the end of my sentence.
  • I can draw a picture to go with my sentences

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

For your daily ten today, let’s finish off practising adding on ten more before moving onto ten less.

Here’s the 100 square as a support tool.

  1. 25     2. 60      3. 57      4. 20      5. 11     6. 80       7. 90     8. 21      9. 53  10. 30

Ten Frame subitising 

We’ve not done this in a little while, so brush up on your subitising skills to shout out or write down how many dots are in the ten frame (without counting, if you can!). You have 3 seconds per ten frame.


I have added a number of online games for you to try on Educationcity, you will find them in the Home learning section of our class area. They are….

  • Recognising coins
  • Splash out
  • Shelling out

Looking forward to seeing all of the work (pictures) from your money challenges.  They really do make my day. Please ask an adult to email them into the school office.

Make sure to finish off all the money worksheets in your last home learning pack.

Ever heard the phrase ‘ Money doesn’t grow on trees’ ? …I certainly heard that a lot from my parents when I was little!!

Why not have a go at designing your own money tree. All you need is a selection of real coins, a piece of paper and some crayons or coloured pencils. Draw the blank tree outline (or have an adult help you..) and choose a selection of coins to make the leaves. Pop the coins under the paper in the place you would like the leaf to be and rub! Ta..da.. A money tree.. Here is a picture to give you some inspiration.

Don’t forget to look carefully at the coins as you are rubbing them, think about how much they are worth, their size and colour, their shape and finally you could even add up how much your money tree is worth when you are finished.. What could you buy? Is it enough for that new toy you have your eye on? Have a look online, what can you afford to buy if your money tree was real?


Story time

I have been enjoying reading some stories to Noah by the author Eric Carle, last week we all listened to the Hungry Caterpillar. This week I thought I would share with you another favourite, the story of ‘The Very Busy Spider’. So grab some milk or your water bottle and let’s pretend it’s story time in class!

I don’t know about you, but I used to be quite scared of spiders. I’ve come to realise that they are not scary at all, in fact they are extremely useful little creatures. You will see lots of webs around your garden just now. They are fascinating and must take a spider so long to build! Amazing!! Why don’t you go on a spider web hunt and see how many you can find. You could even have a go at drawing your own complicated spider’s web or finding out why spiders are so useful.

I’ve added a link below to guide you how to draw your own spider. Have fun!

Parents/Carers – Below is a link to the School Meals annual survey, it would be very much appreciated if you haven’t already filled it out to do so.  Many Thanks!


That’s it for today boys and girls, I hope you have enjoyed all of your home learning tasks. Mrs Lockhart will be adding some tasks on here tomorrow for you to complete! Have a great weekend and hopefully the sun will shine. See you Monday on the blog.

Mrs Stevenson


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