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Primary 2 - Thursday 14th May 2020

Good Morning everyone! I hope you all found Wellbeing Wednesday fantastic – I know I did! You should now have your week 6 pack of learning at home. Here are some activities to go along with your new pack.


As we are focusing on fractions this week, here is a fraction challenge all about numbers. Please use concrete materials around your home to help you should you need them – you could use stones, pencils, sweets or any other objects you may have! Your challenge is to find half of the numbers below:

  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
  • 10

What strategy did you use to find half of the numbers? How many groups did you have to split the numbers into to find a half? Discuss these questions with someone at home.


This week, we are going to think about our heroes. A hero doesn’t always need to be someone famous or a superhero from a film, it could be someone a lot closer to you. Maybe even someone in your family! Here are some super fun art activities all about heroes!

  1. Make a mask! Use any card that you can get your hands on. Cereal boxes, egg box lids, delivery packages… anything with a bit of weight works really well! Make a hole. Tie it together with string, laces, wool… and have fun decorating!
  2. Arm cuffs! Leftover loo rolls make excellent superhero arm cuffs!
  3. A Cape (of course!) What could you use for a cape? A towel, a pillow-case, an apron, a coat worn by the hood?
  4. Superhero training! Every hero needs to practice their skills to stay on their game. Set up a DIY obstacle course in your garden or living room.
  5. Talk about your heroes. You can use this opportunity to talk about the real heroes who make a difference in your world everyday … remember, not all superheroes wear capes!


Staying with the theme of heroes, this week we are going to create a character profile all about our very own superhero! Your superhero can be anyone you want them to be! Use the template below to draw your superhero first and then write 3+ sentences all about your superhero! Have a think about the following things and use them to help draw and write about your hero.

  • What is their name?
  • What is their power?
  • What do they look like?
  • Do they have any accessories (e.g. a shield or a wand)?
  • What does their voice sound like?
  • What is their job as a hero (e.g. to fight crime or to save animals)?


username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey

What new things have you learned from your book?

Green group – Patterns

Purple group – Leek Hotpot

Pink group – Quiz

Yellow group – Kipper’s Diary

Blue group – Family Poems


Have fun with these activities and I will speak to you all tomorrow again!

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