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Primary One - Thursday 21st May 2020

Good Morning Everyone, I hope you enjoyed Wellness Wednesday!

Pin by ISABEL SHELLEY on Minions | Morning quotes for friends ...

I would just like to start off my saying I had the loveliest email on Tuesday from Sophie. Her mummy had sent a picture of her completing the number talks challenge. Well done Sophie and to all of you who managed to complete it. Thank you so much for sending the picture, it made my day. Some tasks for you try!

Activity 1 – Phonics Literacy, Language And Phonics Activities Busy Things - Literacy ... ch sound

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can write this sound to help me spell words

S.C. I can unscramble sentences

On Tuesday I introduced the ch sound to you.

Can you unscramble the sentences below? – Top Tip– you can write each word from the sentence on a piece of paper and try out a number of combinations until you get the right one.  Remember pay close attention to the position of capital letters and full stops.

  1. chats Mum cooks. as she
  2. has a cat. black The witch
  3. is in stuck a ditch. The car
  4. at the picnic bench. lunch She had
  5. him. help a to needs crutch He

From your learning pack try to complete “Find and Write the ch words”

Lastly a little youtube clip to remind you of some ch words


Activity 2 – Reading Free Free Reading Clipart, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...

L.I to read words and sentences

S.C. I can use pictures in the story as a clue to help me with unfamiliar words

S.C. I can use words that I know in a sentence to help predict what an unfamiliar word could be.

I hope you enjoyed reading  and sharing No Tricks, Gran!

Please answer the following questions. Try to answer in a sentence. Top Tip – try to use the question to help you structure the answer. Remember you can record your answers in your jotter.

  1. What did Gran have on her arm?
  2. How did Gran hurt her arm?
  3. What was in the big box?
  4. What did Dad tell Gran she needed to do?
  5. What was in the garden?

Choose one of the guided reading activities from your learning pack.  For example – Can you write a blurb for the book?

Activity 3 – Numeracy Illustrations and Clipart. 764 Numeracy royalty free ... Number Talks

L.I. to add numbers together mentally

S.C. I can show the steps I took to solve a problem

S.C. I can explain why I did it the way I did

S.C. I can check my answers and make sure they are correct

Remember number talks are all about how you solve a task mentally. For this activity, don’t use anything to help you, just your brain!

Then go to the maths and numeracy section of your learning pack and complete “Addition Facts to 10” home activity 4.

L.I. to add 2 numbers together

S.C. I can start at a number and count on in 1’s

S.C. I can use a number line or concrete material to help me find the answer

You will need a red, orange and green coloured pencil. Remember for the activity you can use a number line or concrete  material to help you!

Activity – 4 – Health and Wellbeing – Music

Our Health and Wellbeing topic for this part of the term is Relationships. We have lots of different kinds relationships. We are part of a family and we know that there are lots of kinds of families. We also have a relationship with our friends at school and at home. We have been learning the “build up” song at school and have spent time talking about how important it is to give people compliments and make them feel good. Use the link below to teach someone at home the song and actions. Can you give someone a build up today?

Have a brilliant day. I will post more activities tomorrow.

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