P3 - Friday 22nd May
Happy Friday P3, hope you are all safe and well. I hope you are working through your learning packs prepared by Mrs Hillan. Did you take part in activities set by Mrs Stewart for Well- Being Wednesday? Mrs Morrison went for a long walk in the sunshine and was very tired afterwards!!
Today, we are going to explore the link between predator and prey. Do you know what this might be? Have a listen to the song which explains the differences and then create a poster to show what you have learned.
We are continuing to learn about the different units of measurement. Today, we are going to focus on being able to recognise gram (g) on a scale. When might you use this skill in your daily lives? Have a look at the worksheet and then complete the task in your home learning jotter. You will need to use your addition skills to help you!
PE- Fitness Friday
I hope you are all managing to keep fit and healthy during your time at home. I have attached ideas of different exercises you could try to keep fit. Maybe ask a grown up to help you.
Have a lovely weekend P3 and I will check in with you all next Friday.