Primary One - Tuesday 26th May 2020
Good Morning Everyone!
I hope you are all well and enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather we had yesterday. I am enjoying my early morning dog walks, there is so much to see and hear. The birds are really enjoying the quiet skies and are singing all the time. I even met a fox this morning I think it was making its way back to its den for a sleep as foxes are nocturnal. Some tasks for you to complete today.
Activity 1 – th sound
L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound
S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape
S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words
S.C. I can write this letter
Yesterday I introduced you to the th sound.
Remember not to mix up the f and th sound!
th can be a quiet blue sound but it can also be a loud dark blue sound.
Watch the short clip below.
The loud, hard, dark blue th sound can usually be heard in our tricky words – the, them, then, that, this, these, those. Can you say thick then the can you hear the difference in the th sound makes? Practice saying these words, listen for the difference in the th sound.
thin – then thumb – them teeth – that
cloth – this bath – these thank – those
Choose 3 words with the loud hard th in them and write a sentence for each then complete the Word Building th from your pack. Challenge – Complete the th wordsearch.
Activity 2 – Reading
L.I. to find information from a text
S.C. I can use pictures in the book as a clue to help me recognise unfamiliar words
S.C. I can use words that I know in a sentence to help me predict what an unfamiliar word could be
I hope you enjoyed reading and sharing Our Incredible Plant from Oxford Owls. I would like you to answer the questions below. You can answer them in sentences in your jotter or discuss them with someone in your house.
- How are we spoiling our planet?
- How do greenhouse gases get into the air?
- Write or discuss 2 things we can do to help?
- What gets rid of some of the gases from the air?
Create a poster displaying the things we can do to stop spoiling our planet. Take a picture of your poster and send it to the school via email. I would love to see them. Enjoy!
Activity 3 – Numeracy Number Talks
L.I. to identify a pattern
S.C. I can show the steps I took to solve a problem
S.C. I can explain why I did it the way I did
S.C. I can check my answers and make sure my answer is correct
I have 2 number talks tasks for you today, the first one has dot and the second one has numerals.
Remember Number Talks are all about how you solve a task mentally. For this activity, don’t use anything to help you, just your brain!
Task 1
How many dots do you see and how do you see them? You can copy the pattern into you jotters and explain your thinking to someone in your home.
Task 2
What strategies did you use, can you explain how you worked out the answer?
9 + 1 =
9 + 3 =
9 + 5 =
9 + 7 =
Next I would like you to complete Doubles/near doubles, addition facts for 6 from your home learning pack. Remember knowing doubles and near doubles is a really useful strategy to use during number talks. A clip below that may be helpful. Enjoy!
Activity 4 – Art and Crafts
L.I, to use a range of media creatively
S.C. I can make a twig boat using recycled materials
You don’t need very much to make a twig boat. Just some twigs, grass (or perhaps string/wool if you have any) a few fallen flowers and a leaf for the sail.
Step 1 – Collect some fallen twigs
Step 2 – Lay your grass or string down and then place the twigs on top
Step 3 – Tightly wrap the grass or string around the twigs, try to keep the twigs as flat as possible
Step 4- Take one extra twig and slot it into the bottom of your boat , this becomes your mast
Step 5 -Thread a leaf gently by poking the mast through it in 2 places- this will make your sail
Step 6 – Add a few tiny fallen flowers for decoration
Step 7 – Set it afloat in a bathtub, paddling pool etc.
Step 8 – Ask yourself the question – Does it float?
Have a great day. Tomorrow Mrs Stewart and Mrs Wallace will post some Wellbeing Wednesday activities. Enjoy!