Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 28.5.20
Good Morning Everyone!
Good morning boys and girls, I hope you all enjoyed yesterday’s Wellbeing Wednesday activities and managed to spend some time outside in the sunshine. Keep working through your home learning packs and here are some additional activities for today.
Before we start… remember this…have a little dance to start off your day the right way!
This week we are reading ‘Everyone Got Wet‘ on the Oxford owls website – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ username deans12 password mrsstevenson
Re read the book again with the help of an adult and you can choose either another activity from your home learning guided reading grid or you can choose to complete the activity below.
This is a great activity for those of you who like to draw. I would like you to have another go at creating a story map for Everyone Got Wet. Once you have re read the story, think about the main events which happened. Now draw them out in order. We have completed an activity like this before for Little Red Riding Hood, in class. Here is a story map for the story of The Gruffalo, for some inspiration.
I hope you enjoy this activity, remember to colour in your pictures and you can use your finished picture to help you retell the story in your own words. Have a go at reading it out to an adult.
Finally, I have added a game called ‘Kuko Run‘ to our class home learning section of Education city. You have to read the sentence and find the missing word. Good luck.
This week we introduced the new sound th. It can be a bit of a tricky one and you have to think carefully about where the sound is coming from. Watch the following clip to help you recall this sound and use it to make some words.
Next, have a go at putting these words into the correct order to make the sentence make sense. First read all the words and think what the sentence should say. Use the words to write out your sentence. Always read over your sentence when you have finished to check it makes sense.
Finally, I have added another game to Educationcity called ‘Three Paths‘ to help you practise reading and recognising this new sound.
Numeracy and Maths
Daily Ten
Here are your daily ten for today, again we are focusing on topics covered so far this year.
- What day is tomorrow?
- What season comes after summer?
- How many Tuesdays are there in May?
- How many Sundays are there in May?
- Double 4
- Double 3
- 2 + ____ = 10
- 6 + ____= 10
- 9 + ____ =10
- 10 + ___ =10
Number talks
We looked at using a rekenrek on Tuesday. Here is another game to play using a rekenrek. Can you say what number is being shown on the rekenrek without counting? You can either write it down or shout it out!
Dot patterns – here are today’s dot patterns. Just like we have worked on in class through our number talks. How do you see the dots? How many ways can you write a calculation to go with the dot patterns. Don’t forget to use the – += in the correct place.
Story Time/Art
Grab a drink of milk or your water bottle and let’s pretend we’re in class. I’m really enjoying stories by the author Eric Carle, I especially love all the illustrations. Here is another of my favourites.
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
In this story the little seed travels through all the seasons. Can you design a seasons poster showing what happens in each season? Here are a few ideas which I love, but you can come up with your own!
I hope you have enjoyed all of this week’s learning tasks. Remember you can email any photos of work you have done into the school – wldeans-ps@westlothian.org.uk
Mrs Lockhart will be here tomorrow posting some more activities for you and I will be back on Monday. Have an amazing weekend and stay safe in the sun!
Mrs Stevenson