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Primary 3 - Monday 1st June


Good morning Primary 3! Hope you are all well and had a fun weekend. I can’t believe that is us now in June already!! Remember to look at what you have in your packs to complete. Below are some other tasks you could try too.


We are going to continue to look at Doubling Numbers today. Have a look at these videos, see if you can work along with the lady in the first video and try some of your own examples too using the techniques she uses:

Pick your own numbers to partition like the examples in the second clip:





Continue to read as often as you can! Remember you can access books like the Oxford Reading Tree ones from:

If you click the Pink icon at the top right that says ‘My Class Login’ and enter Primary 3 Deans as the username and Mrs Hillan as the password then you can access these if you haven’t set up your own account.


Spelling – You have a list of spelling words included in your pack – remember to practise these regularly and use the spelling task cards to help! You can find the cards here if you have misplaced yours – – any problems accessing these email the school and I will help!

You could also try these games to help you learn and spell new tricky words:


Write a ‘thank you’ letter to the people who collect your rubbish and recycling.

-What could you include in your letter? Can you think of any questions you could ask about recycling or where the rubbish goes? Perhaps you could leave this letter for them the next time they collect your bins – remember to tell them what a good job they are doing and thank them for all their hard work during this difficult time.



Let’s continue our healthy eating work.

  1. Complete the Healthy Eating I Spy sheet by circling all the healthy foods.
  2. Then complete your ideal healthy lunch box using the worksheet provided.
  3. Finally you could set up a healthy eating challenge – lay out a selection of small portions of healthy foods for people in your family to taste (make sure they cover their eyes) and see which ones they guess correctly.

I spy – week beg 1st June

Healthy Eating Lunch Activity – week beg 1st June



Look at some images of Scotland such as the Grampian Mountains, Loch Ness, thistles etc. Symbols such as thistles are used to represent countries. Find out about different animal species found in Scotland – draw some of these giving some information on each below or around them.

Research the mysterious Loch Ness Monster and write a newspaper report after a ‘sighting’.


Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine! Remember to wear sun cream!!!!

Mrs Hillan

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