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Happy Tuesday Primary 1/2 02.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

It’s Tuesday!! Hope you all managed to enjoy Monday’s sunshine and all the home learning tasks provided. Here are your activities for Tuesday, new packs will be available this week but try and finish off as much as you can from the last pack.


Access this week’s text – No Tricks, Gran  through Oxford Owls e-books –

Username – deans12    password   mrsstevenson

Re- read the story out loud with the help of an adult. Can you identify 6 tricky words from the text. Use the roll, read and find sheet to play the game with an adult.

roll read and find sheet  

You can choose an activity from your guided reading home learning pack or can complete the activity below.

Jumbled sentences – read the words from the story and put them into the correct order. Remember where the capital letter and full stop go, that will help you out and don’t forget to read your finished sentence to check it makes sense.

  1.  stop. Gran had to come
  2. hurt had Gran arm. her But
  3. big  a Gran box. had  
  4.  Dad “Gran” said groan. a with 
  5. was spook. a not 

Finally, have a go at   where you have to unscramble the sentences. Good luck!


Today we are going to learn another new sound – ‘y’

Here is the jolly jingle for y

How many words can you think of which contain the y sound? Have a look around your house, what can you find?

Here is Geraldine to help you think of some..

Have a go at practising writing this letter.. this slide below will help you.

Why not grab some chalk and go outside and practise writing this letter on the ground or what can you find around your garden to make the letter?

Once you have practised forming the letter correctly, have a go at spelling these words…

y -u  – m           y- u -ck       y-e -s      y- e – t        y- e- ll                  y- e -ll -o -w

Draw a picture to go with each of the new y words.

Finally, I have added  ‘Yellow Yo-yo’ to our home learning section of Education city. Good Luck!


Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten – We’re continuing to revise topics we have already covered in school, this week.

  1. What day was yesterday?
  2. Can you name the 4 seasons?
  3. How many Saturdays are there in June?
  4.  Double 2
  5. Double 4
  6. 3 + ____ = 10
  7. 8 + ____ = 10
  8. 4 + ____ = 10
  9.  5 + ____=10
  10. 10+ ____ =10

Today I would like you to have a go at drawing your own rekenrek to display your knowledge of double numbers.

Here is a little example to help you.

You could even have a go at making your own rekenrek – using a pipe cleaner and some beads.


There are lots of fun activities through Glasgow science centre this week as they celebrate #BigBiodiversityWeek with World Environment Day being celebrated on June 5th (Friday) Every day at 10am they have a new biodiversity themed video. Why not log onto their Youtube channel GSC at home. Yesterday they were looking at food chains-  have a little watch!

Here is a little video to help explain  a little further what a food chain is.

Can you have a go at making your own very simple food chain?

I’ve added a Learn It on Educationcity called Food Chain Safari – have a go..

I hope you have enjoyed today’s tasks. Tomorrow is Well being Wednesday so I will be back on Thursday for some more home learning ideas.

Mrs Stevenson



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