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Primary 2 - Friday 5th June 2020

Happy Friday everyone! Here are some learning activities to go along with your packs today.


Here are your phonics videos for the week! Can you spot your spelling words?

Green, Purple & Pink 




Today, we are going to revise telling the time. First, I would like you to watch the time song and then answer the questions below.

  • 1 hour after 6 o’clock
  • 2 hours after half past 2
  • 3 hours after 8 o’clock
  • 1 hour before 1 o’clock
  • 4 hours before half past 4
  • 9 hours before 10 o’clock


Let’s get up and moving with a Zumba workout! Get everyone in your house involved to keep fit! This is a super fun Minion’s dance that I have even tried myself!


username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey

Can you create a new front cover for your book?

Green group – The ice rink

Purple group – Silver foil rocket

Pink group – The ox and the yak

Yellow group – The dragon balloon

Blue group – The big carrot

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and stay safe in the sun!

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