Primary One - Monday 15th June 2020
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Only 2 more weeks left in Primary 1!!! It has been such a quick year. As we are nearing the end of term the blog will be slightly different. There will be a literacy and numeracy task and some challenge tasks for you to enjoy.
Activity 1 – New Sound oi
L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound
S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape oi
S.C.I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words
New sound today is oi. You will find this sound in Inky’s Vowel House underneath last weeks igh sound. The story about the oi sound is………..
Can you slide the sounds together to say the words below?
oi – l s – oi – l b – oi – l c – oi – n j – oi – n p – oi – n – t
Practice writing the oi sound in your jotter.Then complete oi Words Cut and Paste from your home learning pack.
Activity 3 –
L.I. to count objects in a collection
L.I. to recognise numerals and number words
S.C. I can count objects in groups of up to 20
S.C. I can match a numeral to its number word
For this activity I would like you to turn to I Spy and Count to 20 sheet from your home learning pack. You have to count each of the summer object such as ice-cream, sun glasses etc. Once you have counted them write the total in numerals and number words e.g. Sun Glasses – 10 ten. Top Tip – it maybe a good idea to cross them off as you count them so you don’t count them twice.
Remember you can also finish off your SHM booklet at anytime.
Activity 3 – Random Acts of Wildness
Can you find a blade of grass and use it as a whistle?
Activity 4 – Disney Virtual Trip
From now until the end of term I will be posting activities that will encourage you to use your imagination to go on a virtual trip of Disney land. As we can’t actually go this year this virtual trip is the next best thing.
Day 1 – Art
L.I. I am learning to create an eye-catching design.
S.C. I can create a front cover
S.C. I can include my name and age
Create a passport that you can use during your trip! Remember to include a front cover, your name, a picture of yourself and lots of space for characters names! Each time you see a character this week in a ride, video or song, make sure to write their name in your passport! How many characters will you meet by the end of the week?
Have a great day and remember tomorrow is sports day.