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P5 Tuesday 16th June

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything else you like.

Smart start –Newsround

Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on about 9:55 to discuss learning.

Maths-Warm up –shapes- Get up and move!

Perimeter -Use this link:

Read the information and watch the video. Then choose:

Spicy-activity 2

Spicier -activity 1 perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Scroll down to page two for answers-answers perimeter rectilinear shapes

Spiciest -activity 3-spiciest activity 3

answersspiciest answers

After Break

Brain break – pretend to swim and dodge the plastic in this awesome video:


If you need to finish your poem from yesterday please do that first.

Spelling-LI to spell words with common endings (tion)

Choose one of the following:

  1. Spicy-Look say cover write
  2. Spicier-Using a dictionary go on a word hunt and find as many words that end with as you can e.g. station. Then write an interesting sentence with each word in it.
  3. SpiciestSuffix quiz

Extensions-if you have time you could :

Go to Sumdog spellings or work through these activities:

After Lunch

Virtual Sports Day!-Your parents were sent the letters yesterday. I also posted the activities on the BLOG and TEAMS yesterday.

Only if you have time please continue with your Personal Project.

Science Practical Activities If you have the equipment and/or maybe someone to help you choose one of the following activities.(Or save them for a rainy day.)

Invisible Ink (simple equipment needed )

Before you go-find out what would happen if you did not drink water by watching this video:

Extra challenge: In order to keep fit if you are watching TV later in the day why not complete star jumps when the adverts are on?

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