Primary 3 - Monday 22nd June
Good morning everyone! Hope you are well and had an enjoyable weekend. This is our last week before the summer holidays start!
Let’s start off with some fun exercise today:
Remember to keep tuning in to Joe Wicks daily too!!!
For a Number Talk today, let’s think about subtracting (take away) any single digit from a multiple of 10 e.g 80-7=73
See how many you can come up with in 2 mins.
-Play on Daily 10 – play levels 1 or 2 to practise adding and subtracting:
-Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This game could support this.
Below is maths challenge you can try out!
Reading – Continue to read as often as you can! Remember you can access books like the Oxford Reading Tree ones from:
If you click the Pink icon at the top right that says ‘My Class Login’ and enter Primary 3 Deans as the username and Mrs Hillan as the password then you can access these if you haven’t set up your own account.
Spelling – You have a list of spelling words included in your pack – remember to practise these regularly and use the spelling task cards to help! You can find the cards here if you have misplaced yours – – any problems accessing these email the school and I will help!
Try these games to help you learn and spell new tricky words:
Below is a Reading Comprehension task for you to try. There are 2 different levels, pick the one that you find suits you best:
Reading Comprehension Questions
Reading Comprehension Passage 2
Reading Comprehension Questions 2
Continue with your Personal Project. Here is what I posted last week to remind you:
As we don’t have long until the end of term, we thought instead of starting a new topic together that you could do a mini project of your own to work on until the Summer holidays. You can pick an animal, a sport, a hobby, a type of car, a singer/group you like – anything like that, to do your own research project on. Start off using the mind map below to record what you know already about your chosen topic, then collect as many facts, information, and pictures as you can. Remember to make your facts interesting and fun! If you can print pictures that would be great, but it would also be amazing to see of your own drawings, models and creations! We can use this to share with each other when we are back to school after the Summer!
Make a Wearable Keepsake: Decorate a T-shirt, or baseball cap, or make friendship bracelets – these could be decorated with something to do with Deans Primary or just with things you like!
Enjoy the rest of your day!!
Mrs Hillan