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Teddy Bears Picnic



This is the link to the traditional Teddy bears Picnic story. It would be nice to hear the story as you enjoy your picnic with your Teddy Bear and your family.

You can also listen to the Teddy Bears’ Picnic song once the story has ended just allow the clip to run on.

Mrs Anderson has also read a story for the boys and girls in the nursery to listen to as they eat their picnic with their teddies.


Here is the link to a nice picnic song that you could play/sing as you are getting ready for your Teddy Bear Picnic today.

Another Teddy Bear song

Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around,

Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground,

Teddy bear, teddy bear, clap your hands,

Teddy bear, teddy bear do a dance!

You can do the actions as you sing the song


Games you can play

Balloon Tennis

A simple game that is easy to play. You can make your own bats using paper plates and lolly sticks or cardboard tubes from inside kitchen roll. You could even use an old pool noodle cut into shorter lengths. If you don’t have these resources your hand makes as good a bat as anything! This game can be played both indoors or outdoors.

Who is it?

Sit in a circle and put all the teddies in the middle. Describe one of them, and children must guess which teddy it is. Choose the language level and vocabulary appropriate for your kids. For example; “It’s big. It’s blue. It’s wearing a T-shirt.” Kids can then take turns to describe a teddy for the others to guess.

Blindfold Bear

Put a blindfold on each child in turn and hand them several different teddies to feel. They must guess which teddy is theirs!



Please send us photos of your picnic so we can make up a Teddy Bears Picnic display for the children returning after the summer holidays. It will be nice for them to see that they all took part and bring back some lovely memories. It will be a great discussion point and help with the transition back into nursery.

Please send pictures to:

All the staff in the nursery have been taking part in the picnic as well. Here are some of our pictures for you to look at.

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We all hope you had a lovely picnic with your family and your teddies. We are all missing you so much and look forward to seeing you all soon. Check out tomorrows blog for a special message and more activities to keep you busy tomorrow and throughout the holidays.

Stay safe everyone!

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