A Busy Week in P4/3!
It has been another busy week in P4/3 as the children continue to settle into their new class and the changes that have had to be made, due to current circumstances. Well done P4/3 for taking it all in your stride!!
We have practised developing our reading skills and are trying to use reading attack strategies to help us read with more confidence and fluency. We designed new front covers for our books and thanks to Georgia for suggesting to display them around our fireplace in the reading corner, they look amazing!!
In maths, we have revised our knowledge of time and money and discussed how we use these skills in our everyday lives.
All the children have completed a health and well-being questionnaire and next week, we will look at different emotions and feelings through emotional literacy, using a book called ‘The colour monster.’
Outdoor learning with Mrs Dobbie takes place on a Friday and can you please send your child to school with sensible clothing and appropriate footwear (wellington boots), many thanks with your help in this matter.
Looking forward to another fun week in P4/3, stay safe and I will post again next Friday.