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Latest News From P1A

We have had another busy week in P1A. The children are now more familar with our daily school routines and are becoming even more independent.

Literacy- Sounds

This week we have started our more formal phonics programme and have been exploring the “m” sound. We have looked at where we make this sound in our mouths and words that begin with the “m” sound. We have also been making and writing the sound with a range of media such as play dough, paint, pom poms, string and black markers. Today we completed an “m” sorting activity (their first piece of work in their literacy jotters!)

We have looked at words such as mat, map, mop, man, men, mum, melon etc. It would be a good idea if you are out and about to point out things that begin with the m sound.


We are continuing to work on numeral formation. The children find the cards below useful.


As well as forming numerals we have been making and drawing collections of 3 and 4 objects. We have started looking at different ways to record numbers and can now use a five frame. Five frames are useful when looking at different ways to make 5.

Health and Wellbeing

This week as well as focusing on being safe we have been exploring our nurture value . As a class we tried to think about what nurture means and what it would look like. We decided firstly that we would try our best to be kind with our words and actions and secondly, we would  try to incuded everyone in our play. I have been very impressed by the kind and caring nature displayed by many of the children this week. At Deans we are very proud of all the children who display our school values.

A picture below of our Jigsaw pieces which shows different ways we are keeping ourselves and others safe during covid.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will post more news next week.


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