P4's Learning this week
This week Primary 4 have been busy again. We have been looking at fables with Mr Turner and for part of this we created our own little animals from clay. We will be using these to create our own fables and story scenes. We had to use our creativity and modelling skills for this. These are our creations below before they dried.
In Numeracy this week we have continued with the theme of addition this week by looking at carrying over in our work. Some of us have found this quite challenging, so we should be practising this at home when we can. I have asked the children to look up some addition with carrying questions online or to ask someone at home to create some for them if possible.
In Literacy we have been looking at descriptive writing. We worked together to create a description of Pandas, including a title, an introduction, the main characteristics of pandas and finally an evaluation saying what we think about pandas. We will continue with descriptive writing but using different contexts. Here are a few of our pieces:
We have also continued our novel study and have been creating drawings of all the characters we have met so far. We have had to use our creativity and imagination, as well as what we have read in order to do this. Each group had a character to draw. Here are some of our characters: