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Latest News From P1A

It has been another really busy week for P1A and the children would like to share some of their learning with you. We have just started our Autumn topic. We have been reading Autumn stories and painting  trees for our display.

Literacy – Phonics

The new sound “c” was introduced on Tuesday and we have been working really hard on forming the letter correctly using a variety of media.



We have also been sorting pictures according to their initial sound – m or c


We are continuing to practise counting forward and back, order numerals, saying the number before and after. This weeks focus has centered around 5 (forming it correctly) and finding different ways to make it.


We are learning how to use 5 frames which are a great way to develop a sense of number. Why not ask your child about them.

Health and Wellbeing

We continue to focus on feeling safe. The children were asked to draw a picture of where they feel safe and belong. We had lots of super suggestions- “when daddy gives me a big hug”, “when I am in bed and Mummy is reading me a story” “when I go to visit gran”.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. More updates on next weeks blog.






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