P5 Keep up the Good Work!
P5 have had another busy week.
We have continued to practise our understanding of place value. During numeracy lessons, we played games and practised adding and subtracting powers of ten. We are improving our ability to read and write 4, 5 and 6 digit numbers.
Bailey – I liked rolling the dice to make numbers and then adding and subtracting 10 and 100.
Colin – I am getting better at place value.
Alexis – I am proud of my maths.
After reading some of our class novel, ‘George’s Secret Key to the Universe’ we designed open-ended questions to interview a character from the book.
Debbie – I enjoyed designing the questions.
Speaking and Listening
Afterwards we took turns to role-play and during a hot-seating task in pairs one of us was the reporter asking the questions and another person was the character. Robbie was brave enough to try a class demonstration with Miss Stanway in front of the class! We also had some super demonstrations from Hope and Leo.
This week we wrote a fantasy story about a magic door. Summer used a great ‘wow’ word in her story – abandoned-which other people thought was such a good descriptive word they used it in their stories too!
Lily-Elen – I enjoyed handwriting practice.
Bailey – I enjoyed watching the space videos this week.
We have been learning how to use line effectively. This week we completed an expressive task. It was fun sketching people with hair made of spaghetti, nails or string. We even drew a hairy spider. Some of us showed our work to staff and other classes in school because we had used line so effectively.
We played games outside this week such as time bomb and fishes!
Alexis- I enjoyed the fish game – it gave me lots of exercise.
Outdoor Learning
We went outside to check on the trees we had planted last week. It had been quite a windy week and we were worried about them.
Sophia – We gave them canes to support them and watered them.
Aren’t we amazing? Showing our school values of nurture and support to the trees around us!
Competition Time
This week we had great fun drawing designs for the school walls.
Anna – I am really proud of my wall competition.