Primary 1B Learning Highlights
Health and Well Being
This week in health and well being we have been talking about our worries. This can be an especially worrying time for some children so it was a nice opportunity to speak openly about anything which has been worrying us. Together, we listened to the story of Silly Billy by Anthony Browne.
Billy had lots of different worries, some of which seemed a little ‘silly’ like being worried about shoes and rain. We discuss how no worry is really silly and how it is important to share our worries with our friends or an adult we trust. After sharing some of our worries, we fed our worries to the worry monster by drawing a picture of them in his tummy.
We have introduced ‘bubble time’ in our class, if we feel worried or would like to talk to a grown up we can request bubble time in the afternoon to simply have a chat and chase that worry away.
In literacy this week we have been learning the new sound ‘a’. We now know that this is a vowel, a black tunnel sound, where we have to open our mouths really wide to form the sound. Alongside this sound we have been learning about Inky’s Vowel house. Below is a picture of the vowel house. There is a story to go with each picture. We are very good at remembering the actions and the sounds which go with the story.
Attached below is a copy of the story behind each sound/picture in the vowel house.
To help us remember the shape of the letter we made some ‘ant a’s’ for our classroom display.
New word focus –
Last week we learned all about three new words, I , the and a. This week we have introduced the word ‘am’. We are able to write and recognise this word. We had a word hunt in our classroom and had to find and sort all the words we know so far into hoops. We then competed against each other in ‘word splat’. It was great fun. We even used the new word in our writing task this week, check out our fantastic sentences.
This week we have been ordering numbers to 20. Every morning we can choose a number card and as a class we order the numbers all the way up to 20. We are now getting very quick and confident when recognising teen numbers. Mrs Stevenson is very sneaky sometimes and is our class number thief. We need to figure out which number she has stolen! It is lots of fun….
We have also been learning about the magic number 10! How to write it, how to make collections of ten and how to make ten in all sorts of different ways.
We have been continuing our work on subitising by practising this game with our friends.
We are definitely ready for our October holidays. It has been such a busy term and now it is time for a well earned rest. We will welcome all the children back to school on Wednesday 21st of October. Have a lovely break.
Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B