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A busy week in P2

Wow! What a busy week we have had in P2 this week! Have a read to see what we have been up to.


Charli Mae – “We had to sort the pictures into the right box. We had to decide if the word started or ended with b”

Euan – “We had to play matching pairs. In this game you had to match your spelling words and say them”


Max – “We had to persuade someone why pets are good”

Archie P – “Pets are good because you can play with them”

Connor – “Pets are good because you can run races with them”

Number Talks

Jayden – “We are thinking of good ways to bridge the number 10”

Maddison – “10 is a happy number and we need to try and make that”


Under the Sea

Jacob – “We were painting the different zones of the ocean”

Sophie – “We had to start with the lightest shade and then it got darker and darker”

Mark – “I remember there was the sunlight zone, then the twilight zone, then the midnight zone, then the abyss, and the trench is at the very bottom of the ocean”

Remembrance Day

Archie M – “Remembrance day is a special day because it’s all about remembering people who died in the war”

Andrew – “We made poppies out of red and black paper to remember the soldiers who died in the war”

Children in Need

Jordon – “We have been exercising for 5 minutes every morning with Joe Wicks”

Amee – “We made Pudsey ears out of paper”

Kayden – “We had to measure our heads and then use glue to stick our ears on”

Have a great weekend everyone!

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