Weekly Update From P1A
We have had another very busy week in Primary 1A and the children would like to share some of their learning with you.
‘We now have our very own classroom shop called “Dean’s Store”
We have used as many real items of food (with price labels) as we can and even have a full sized working till! The children have been so excited and had such a brillant time playing in the shop. Although it is fun, there are a number of additional benefits such as, writing a shopping list, turn taking, discussion, counting money giving change. Some fun pictures below-
Writing –
The children are continuing to develop their persuasive writing skills and this week they have been giving their opinions on pets. They all agreed that pets are great to have and came up with super words to describe them, such as” cute, playful, friendly, fluffy and the best!” Some examples below-
Our sounds this week have been “e” and “f”. Some pictures below of the activities the children have taken part in.
Although we are working on numbers beyond 10, the children are consolidating their knowledge of number bonds to 10. They have been doing this through games from Educationcity and team challenges.
Health and Wellbeing
We are continuing to celebrate difference and this week we focused on bullying. The children finished their gingerbread men by creating an anti-bullying slogan for his cap. Conlon came up with a excellent message “No Bullies Here!”
I hope you have a great week and I will post more news from P1A next week.