Primary 4's Week
In Numeracy we continue to work on Subtraction. We all had the opportunity of being “the teacher” and spoke through a ‘borrowing’ sum with the rest of the class. Here are some photos of us doing this:
In writing this week we have completed one more Persuasive Writing and created a one-sided argument about why a Movie Day is a good idea. We enjoyed doing this and thinking about how a movie can help us learn new vocabulary etc as well as being relaxing and a lovely treat.
“It’s the perfect way to get ready for the Christmas holidays” – Rihanna
“Having a movie day helps us learn hard words” – Hadiyaah
“It gives us a treat for all our hard work” – Joe
“A movie day gives us the chance to learn something new” – Gracie
In Reading this week we have continued reading in our groups as well as listening to and discussing our class novel which is The Christmasaurus. We are excited to see what happens next. We will continue to use this text to help us in our Word Wizard roles.
We have been busy learning our Christmas poem this week. As a class we split up the poem a line at a time in small groups. This has worked really well! We are looking forward to filming this next.