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Primary 1B Learning Highlights

What a busy and quick week it has been in Primary 1B. We have had our special Christmas lunch and we would like to say a huge thankyou to the dinner ladies for working so hard to ensure we had a delicious meal.

This week in Literacy we have been learning two new words, ‘go’ and ‘into’ alongside the new sounds ‘l’ and ‘g’. We haveĀ  also been writing to Father Christmas to share our Christmas lists with him. We explored how to write a letter and what details we needed to include, like Dear and From.

We have been working hard to develop our reading skills. This week we have been introduced to two different types of reading skills tasks. The first task was called a cloze activity. This is when a word is missing from the text and we need to figure out what the missing words are. Here are some examples of our work.


The second reading task was a fun one! We were given a jumbled up sentence from our reading book. We had to read the sentence and put the words back into the correct order. We could use the clues in our book to help us and knowing where a capital letter and full go really helped us too.


During our yoga session this week we went to the Winter Olympics and were learning to move our bodies around in a safe space. We made different shapes to represent particular winter Olympic events, such as, snow boarding and skiing. I still think that our favourite part of yoga is the sleepy and relaxing savasana at the end! A big thank you goes out to Sonja and Ruth at Lotus Learn Yoga for planning such fun activities for us to complete in the safety of our classroom.


We are looking forward to our final week of term when we can take part in lots of Christmas craft activities and maybe even bring home a few Christmas presents for the adults at home.

Have a lovely cosy weekend everyone.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B.


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