Update from P1A
I hope you are all well and managing to get organised for Christmas. In school, the excitement is building. It began with the children’s Christmas lunch (in their bubbles of course)
Next the children wrote a letter to Santa. They decided they were all definitely on the nice list and have been good all year! The letter said “I have been good. Can I have …………………… please”. Some children are now able to write short sentences independently. So proud of them. Some examples below-
We are also busy practising a Christmas poem that will be available for you to view in the last week of term. We have been practising it everyday and making candy canes. This is the poem and some candy canes we are preparing for the performance.
Today we read the most beautiful story “Little Robin Red Vest” . It’s about a little robin who is kind and gives away his 7 vests to other animals who need them in the week before Christmas. So by Christmas eve he has nothing to keep him warm but Santa has been watching his kindness and Mrs Claus makes him a special red vest. The children absolutely loved it and wanted to make a vest for the little robin. We used a guided draw. I think you will agree the children did really well!
Maths – Money
This week we have began looking at money. I started by asking the children what “does money mean to you and what do we use it for?” I noted down some of the responses-
For now, the children are exploring and sorting different coins. We will move onto investigating their value and how we can make different combinations. Our Dean’s Store will help.
Lastly after all the hard work we enjoyed some Yoga from Mrs Anderson via Skype.
Have a lovely weekend and I will be back with the last blog of the year next week!