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P5 Monday 11th January Afternoon Work

Apologies for the problems this morning. Here are the afternoon activities.


  • Spelling

Find the words for your group:

Punctuation Group –Frys Common Words

1 can’t

2 matter

3 square

4 syllables

5 perhaps

6 bill

7 felt

8 suddenly

9 test

10 direction

11 centre

12 farmers

13 ready

14 anything

15 divided

Full Stops – Frys Common Words

1 listen

2 wind

3 rock

4 space

5 covered

6 fast

7 several

8 hold

9 himself


11 five

12 step

13 morning

14 passed

15 vowel

Finger Spaces/Capital letters – Fry’s Common Words

1 high

2 every

3 near

4 add

5 food

6 between

7 own

8 below

9 country

  1. Use the pyramid strategy to write out each word.
  2. Use each word in a sentence.
  • Health

1 Try some animal yoga using this link

Any problems down loading this link create your own 5 minute fitness workout.

  1. Our new health topic is ‘Dreams and Goals.’ If there is someone in the house that you can chat to talk about what your dreams and goals might be.
  2. Draw and label a picture to represent what your future dreams and goals are. Write a sentence to explain what you have drawn.

Well done. You have finished your first day of online learning. Have a good evening!

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