P5 Monday 11th January Afternoon Work
Apologies for the problems this morning. Here are the afternoon activities.
- Spelling
Find the words for your group:
Punctuation Group –Frys Common Words
1 can’t
2 matter
3 square
4 syllables
5 perhaps
6 bill
7 felt
8 suddenly
9 test
10 direction
11 centre
12 farmers
13 ready
14 anything
15 divided
Full Stops – Frys Common Words
1 listen
2 wind
3 rock
4 space
5 covered
6 fast
7 several
8 hold
9 himself
11 five
12 step
13 morning
14 passed
15 vowel
Finger Spaces/Capital letters – Fry’s Common Words
1 high
2 every
3 near
4 add
5 food
6 between
7 own
8 below
9 country
- Use the pyramid strategy to write out each word.
- Use each word in a sentence.
- Health
1 Try some animal yoga using this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XpqNAWnfTo
Any problems down loading this link create your own 5 minute fitness workout.
- Our new health topic is ‘Dreams and Goals.’ If there is someone in the house that you can chat to talk about what your dreams and goals might be.
- Draw and label a picture to represent what your future dreams and goals are. Write a sentence to explain what you have drawn.
Well done. You have finished your first day of online learning. Have a good evening!