P6/5 Wednesday 20th January
Wednesday 20th January 2020
P6/5 Daily Plan
French: with Mrs Dobbie
Numeracy: LI To practise my times stables. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNGjCCrs-rY If you do not have toilet roll you could cut strips of paper into 10cm lengths and roll them. To follow this please go on to https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000h2st/bitesize-scotland-primary-1-maths-1.
You can also make a loop game to practise your tables. And if you have time the appropriate multiplication activity on Education City.
Reading: I will read the class novel “Wonder” live after lunch at 1:30. The follow up activity is the role of Questioner from Literacy Circles. I also want you to find a book that you like and silently read it. We will ask each other questions about the books we are reading. Again just use the sheet as support but write the work into your jotters.
Spelling: I have up-loaded (into this file: Teams > P 5-6 Mr Colverson > Files > Class Materials > Spelling) the overviews for P5 and P6, as well as P4 and P2, which you can use for additional support. There is also the Fry’s list of common words. I have also up-loaded a list of spelling activities.
P6 | P5 | S1 | S2 |
cough, fierce, necessary, sequence, answer, creation, finally, neighbour | jaundice, jealous, jaws, jay, jaw, juggle
right, bright, high, fight, flight, tonight, fright, night, might, tight, thigh | their
some them last because |
Scottish SPCA Adventure Tails Activity Packs
Filled with approx. 20 pages of activities linked to all areas of the curriculum to ensure we are encouraging skills in numeracy, literacy, relate to science, health and wellbeing, expressive arts, languages, RME, social studies and technology. These can be accessed at home by the pupils and are, as always, free
They can be found on the link below:
Children will be able to demonstrate they have completed each page of the booklet through solving clues as they go along in the form of anagrams. They can only get the letters for their anagram by sourcing the answers relating to each activity (one activity per curriculum area per page based on a specific topic). At the end of the book there will be a page to record all the anagrams and solve our Inspectors mystery.