This Week in P3/2
For reading this week, we have been focusing on using key words and phrases to find key pieces of information. We were highlighting the information in the text before answering our questions in sentences.
We have been sounding out our new spelling words. We look, say cover, write and check each word 3 times. Then, we write the word with our eyes closed on our whiteboard as this help us to remember how to spell the words accurately.
In writing, we were using our imagination to help us write a narrative text. We were writing a story with the title ‘Up Up and Away’. We were developing our skills of using adjectives to describe the setting and characters.
This week in maths, we were focusing on our 5 and 10 times tables. We have been practicing them through maths games and we loved playing times table bingo as a class.
We have also been solving multiplication equations using effective strategies. Some pupils were using arrays to solve the equations and others were using their fingers and skip counting.
For our topic of toys, we have been looking at plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is a big problem that we face as a society! We were discussing how plastic is a useful material as it is strong and cheap to make. However, it does not decompose and it is not getting recycled properly. Many plastic is in landfill and the sea and this is bad for the animals and the environment.
We had a class discussion about how many toys today are make from plastic. We were shocked to hear that McDonalds is the world’s biggest manufacturer of toys. However, these toys are often made from plastic and are usually throw away toys. We made posters to inform people of the issues created by plastic toy pollution.