A Busy Week in P4/3!
It has been lovely for us all to be back together after the Easter holidays. Everyone (including Mrs Morrison) is feeling refreshed after the break and looking forward to the term ahead.
This week we have been revising spelling sounds from last term and practising the more tricky words. Next week, we will introduce new sounds for the children to work on.
In numeracy, we have been assessing our learning as a way of demonstrating our knowledge, but also as a way of identifying areas we still need to improve. Next week we will explore multiplication and I know some of the children are excited about this!
During home learning our Egyptian topic was put on hold and we focused on exploring our country, Scotland. Mrs Morrison was delighted the efforts the children put into researching facts about Scotland. Now we must use these research skills to find out more about Ancient Egypt. Look out for some facts on the blog in the coming weeks!
Finally, we made the most of the sunshine and took our learning outdoors. It was so nice to be together, have fun and learn as well! Let’s hope the sunshine is here to stay!!
Have a lovely weekend and I will check in next Friday.
Mrs Morrison