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Primary 1B Learning Highlights.

It’s been a super short week but we have managed to cram lots of fun learning into a short space of time. Here is a little snapshot of one of our learning experiences this week.

One of our learning highlights this week has taken from our focus on a new maths topicĀ  ‘Measure’. We have been exploring all the different things we can measure both inside our classroom and outside in the natural environment. On Wednesday we took our learning outside to find natural resources as units for non standard measure. We had lots of fun experimenting with all the different things we found. Here are some pictures to explain further.

We were lucky enough to have Mrs Anderson teaching us some more yoga this week also. We focused our yoga on one of a favourite texts ‘The Wonky Donkey’. There was lots of stretching and breathing but also an awful lot of giggling!!

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B


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