P5's Weekly Blog
This week we focused on adventure narrative and read through an adventure text extract. Then we discussed techniques used by the author to build tension.
Group Reading
Writing linked to reading-
Alexis – I feel I am getting better at writing a letter to a character.
We have continued to practise recalling our times tables quickly and we are really improving.
During our work on fractions we learnt about different strategies that could be used to work out equivalent or matching fractions.
Using the laptops we were able to consolidate our learning by playing online fraction games.
Outdoor Learning
Colin – This week we filled up the wheelbarrow with compost then put it into planters – I felt like I was doing a real job and was tired afterwards!
Bella – I enjoyed planting the sunflower seeds.
We went outside to draw trees and focused on using line and shading to make them more life-like.
We learnt that all rocks can be sorted into three types : metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. In addition we discussed what some of the uses for rocks are.
Cameron – I learnt how diamonds are made.
Class Novel
Bailey – I am really enjoying Dino Egg by Charlie James. It’s really funny!