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P5's Weekly Update


This week we practised learning our x8 tables using various strategies including active dance using this link: .

We continued to learn about fractions and this week focused on comparing and ordering fractions. The class is taking part in a fractions competition using Sumdog and some of us have even been practising at home!

Next week we are going to learn about converting decimals to fractions.


We continued our novels in group reading and in order to show understanding of what we had read we illustrated a key event and explained why what we had drawn was important.

During our discussions about adventure stories we read through an extract and discussed why the vocabulary used was effective.

Outdoor Learning

This week we wrote nature poems on the playground.


As part of our topic on dinosaurs we continued to organise our notes into a presentation. Kiera and Sophie P gave an informative and lively talk to the class. Lily-Elen’s group also  spoke confidently in front of the whole class. We gave them peer assessment using two stars and a wish. Well done!


Our topic is Earth’s Materials. This week we learnt how soil is made. Kyle acted out the story of Roger the Rock becoming Simon the Soil in front of the whole class. He was brilliant!

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